Serious Primal War Mismatch Issues.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IDIIAIIWIINI-, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Dear Devs:

    Since the chaos wars began, the matching in primal wars has just been abysmal. As a roster maker of one of the most active clans in ee, I can tell you we have tried many different roster sizes, from 320m cs to 500m cs over the last two and an half weeks. In that time we have receive a number of no matches, and a great number of mismatches. Several wars where we were 100m cs bigger than our opponents, and several where we were 100mil or more smaller than our opponents. Only one time can I recall that the cs was actually within 30mil cs of each other.

    We have seen clans smaller than us stop warring. And as such we are now being matched with clans much larger. This is becoming a waste of our xtals, pots, and time.

    Please make whatever adjustments you have to make to prevent clans from being horribly outmatched cs-wise in primal wars. With no bfa/bfe/hit restrictions taken into consideration, it is just incredible that you should match up clans that are 100mil cs apart on a 15-man roster.

    Normally I enjoy ee immensely. I have participated in hundreds of ee wars since s1. But there is no fun in playing whack-a-mole with clans 2/3 your size, and there's no fun being the moles the other teams whack either. These mismatches are killing even my enjoyment of ee war and that's really saying something.

    Please fix this. Thank you for your time.
  2. Please do something.
  3. I support, primals are fun as long as clans are reasonably close to each other. A 50m cs threshold is really the maximum range that should be allowed.

    I've been busy the last 2 weeks and haven't had ability to war, but matches I've been seeing don't make me regret it. I'll just renew my ee level and stop warring otherwise.

    No matches are better than bad matchups.
  4. First. I think a difference of 100m cs is at about the limit of what constitutes an acceptable match. There have been multiple instances where the mismatch has been 200m or more.

    Second, complaining about mismatches and nm at the same time is contradictory. You get nm so that mismatches don't occur.

    But more to the point, the solution has to be to increase the pool of clans warring to ensure better matches.

    Devs have already thinned out the war schedule to make it easier to organise wars with less turnaround time from indy wars and force more clans into the time slots offere., They've also reduced roster size to make it easier for clans to get a roster together.

    Will this work? Give it time.

    What more can they do?

    They could increase the incentives for clans to war by offering greater rewards, but I think the devs have learned their lesson about offering more and more rewards that incentivise increased stacking and runaway stat increases.

    The primal format has levelled the playing field considerably from the disaster of round wars, but perhaps they could replace that with a better format? I'm sure they've tried but to no avail.
  5. Don't like it dont war
  6. Lots of Mith Hunters is a problem too but would be nice to get a match
  7. The no matches are annoying. But I'd prefer a no match to a mismatch.

    200mil was happening in 20-man rosters. not in 15-man rosters.

    And I have given it time. First week of chaos wars there were several more clans warring than there have been this week. More clans are dropping out. More people have lost interest. Even some of the more established clans are having trouble finding 15 good kingdoms to take to EE.

    Maybe once this Animus event is over it will improve, I hope. But they should still tighten to parameters so cs is closer to match.
  8. Support! Rather a no match than a mismatch. I hope they getting the message as most full time EE clan hardly signs up now. Hate getting matched up by 100m cs bigger or smaller, it's such a boring war, no contest in it. Even though we've won a few wars being a lot smaller but that's beside the point. Put a cap on cs difference specially on 15people roster. These match ups are destroying EE
  9. Took a two break from ee, season burned me out. First war back, out csed by 100 mil, lol. Goin on the troll two week program til more incentive is given for clans to try. Sign ups are at real low right now.
  10. 100 mil cs ya that's bad but how bout 200 mil cs smaller in a 15 man roster I'm not one to complain much but that was by far worst I've seen or been in. I fully support op here as we at dl have been on both sides of these mismatch also and it's not fun for either side imo. Also agree that it is killing the number of participants so few want to war on a regular basis anymore that even I struggle sometimes to put together a solid 15 man roster and know that many others do to.
  11. Dal yes that has happened in 15 man rosters look at our last war against lar war their is a 190 mil cs difference.
  12. Total support mismatches take out the fun of warring.
  13. Not enough clans warring , not enough incentive for clans to war , same story different day

    And it sucks
  14. 10 limbs for winning a war that takes 2 hours at least that you aren't able to hit ebs and maybe 1 in 10 wins you get a box too. Really don't see how that makes anyone want to war.
  15. Well, it's Chaos for a reason.
  16. Others have stated 8 weeks of S4 n burnt out n it is a real side effect. The clamour for smaller rosters was satisfied n yet its obviously not a solution neither. IWars seem ill effected n continue unabated. Clan Wars take more time n effort to assemble rosters n ppl simply r not enticing enough with the current reward system. I presume its an indicator of Promo Hunts n their disruptive nature to war clans or of ppl warring as individuals n not as loyal war perms. With less incentives to do Chaos Wars it reveals the underlying truth that EE renewal tops the list n mith is a distant 2nd place.
    TROLL pointed this out earlier n makes too much sense. Can ATA maybe give an update on what the future holds for us as far as when or what wars r coming next. Or in the least whet our appetites with something other than hunts n promos.

    One suggestion i have some may like it or not n is fine by me..increase war duration to 2hrs now that 2 wars r removed n re space accordingly to allow more TZ's to enter. As i see it Chaos wars r more trials n experimentation n data collection so why not?
    For the war clans whom spend all the time to roster n organize r then rewarded with a longer war experience befitting their efforts. Idk if IWars would benefit from 2hr duration so could remain as 1hr in duration. The 2hr format would increase the mith rewards potential n therefore would enhance its appeal. Also WC's would have more to chew on n even more yet if 2 xtals were allowed. 2x xtals would certainly open up the excitement n increase the swings of war.
    Be either constructive or objective if this idea has merits or needs more work. PM we as well

    Thx n GL to Y'all n Happy KaWing️
  17. I shall tell u guys dont ask Devs to change their currently match up system for primal wars, If u guys really want to kick SH from primal wars.

    Devs is using this 150m - 300m cs different matching up to screw SH in primal wars.

    Trust me, if match up system change to 50m cs max. different. U middles and small big buildings will be worse.
  18. Hey I wouldnt complain about 100 mill cs below, bully mechanic is OP ;) 
  19. SH clans will be matched with SH, but they can't plunder like they used to in primals nor succeed that well
  20. Full support to op. I used to war a lot, both during s4 and before that. However, once s4 ended, I stopped. I've only done one war since s4 ended, and that's just to renew my ee. Everything that's being said is true, more and more clans are dropping out and ee wars are starting to decline. Devs need to either figure out a way to fix this mismatch problem, or they have to create a new type of war or something new that's added into wars to spice it up a little. Otherwise, ee will eventually die out, and I don't want to see that because I enjoy them when I'm not mismatched.