sell old equipment for Mith

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by G0LD-MAK3R, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. It's pretty straight forward you can sell your equipment for mithril I would like to see this added
  2. Id like to see old war equip sold for mith. Even using the building refund, 20% of total cost of equip. Would be nice. Thousands of mith into lesser equip which has no use for many
  3. I'd like to see some traction with that smithing idea from a while back.

    Something where you could take old outdated equipment and use it to further enchant newer equipment.

    For example: I could take my level 10 gold plated greaves and use them to enchant my arachnid greaves to level 11. And then I could take my level 10 mith greaves and use them to enchant my arachnid greaves to level 12 and so on.

    Equipment would need to be max enchanted before combining with other equipment.
  4. I would rather see a marketplace for equipment (both eb drops and war/mithril equip). The currency of the exchange could be gold for eb drops and mithril for war equipment. But in the absence of that, yes, I would like to be able to sell my old equipment for a set return of mithril as well.
  6. I wanted a golden carrot but they didn't have it on eBay
  7. Are you just creating forums to see how quickly they can be locked? Just quit bruh while you are ahead and leave the thinking to everyone else.
  8. agreed .. old war equips should be possible to sell for mith
  9. Only mith equipment because otherwise I'm farming the piggy ebs for my mith
  10. I thought you said meth....