Selen's Mansion Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Utho (01), Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Yup. It's a feedback thread. Post your stuff here not on story
  2. Oh lol here it is :lol:
  3. Annnnnyone?

  4. Well done utho, I like it. Kinda Sounds like a familiar plot tho
  5. Well as it progresses it will keep getting weirder until it's so unrecognizable that nothing is familiar to it...

  6. Haha nice
  7. What's erm?
  8. Perhaps it's a evil magic spell!!! That will turn is into frogs!!!!
  9. Ummm nope. I don't think that's it
  10. I think it's a bunch of unicorns who can fire LaZ0rs!
  11. How about we talk about my story on this thread?
  12. Erm what u mean by unrecognizable ?
  13. Eaglestar I dont want you in this thread
  14. Just talk about Selen's Mansion on this thread
  15. Yeah it's a good story I'm defiantly gonna keep reading.
  16. Your going to read defiantly? 
  17. You're**

    Whoops 
  18. My iPod went wacky