Having a nice shiny badge for some things is great. However as the fort McMurray thread shows some people don't want all achievements shown as they feel it cheapens the meaning behind a charitable donation. This is an entirely personal perspective and many will feel differently. For decades charities collecting in the streets have given stickers, badges and paper poppies. Should they do this? These sticker, badges and poppies cost money. In kaw the achievement costs nothing more than a few lines of code and a dev putting some effort in. As such that argument goes out of the window. So the badge. Walking down a high street wearing a poppy shows solidarity with a cause. It is a great way to raise awareness of the charity and also at a very basic level teaches children that even by donating money they get something back, though it emphasises the feel good factor. You put money in the bucket to help others, the person rewarded you with a sticker / paper poppy. Now of course it's entirely optional if we even take a poppy, sticker or badge. Entirely personally, I often don't take a badge. It's one more incentive to give away to someone else and saves the charity a few pennies. But my children love them and showing that they care by taking part. To the person on the receiving end of the charities aid. All that matters is that someone somewhere cared enough to donate. I doubt many of them, if any care whether someone gets a badge or sticker. As long as the money goes where it's needed, the reason the money was donated even if self serving is irrelevant. If someone looked at my profile and sees the achievement and hadn't heard of the event ( yes goodness knows how they wouldn't have. But....) I would gladly direct them to the Red Cross Canada site. Which the developers kindly provided a link to. But. For this and future charity events. Maybe the developers could make a toggle option to have the badge hidden or public. Again personally I appreciate that the developers not only donated the money from crystal sales from the day of the event, but also as an added incentive ran a 200% hte promo, to maximise incentives to spend and donate to a worthy cause. But I feel this discussion should not be on the actual fort McMurray thread as it detracts from the very generous donations that many made.
I think you should be able to select what achievements you want to display on your profile. But all achievements should be visible in my opinion.
Sure why not, while we're on the subject of toggleable things, I think we should be able to chose which equipment is displayed as well.. Now that would be swell, just about as swell as this chaps idea here.. Support