Hey everyone, So Im currently running a Guild Hansel Build which consists currently of 23xGuild(Lvl4), 1xCastle(Lvl2), 1xTier5AttackBuilding(Lvl1 but upgrading soon)...any recommended changes or courses of action from here?
Stay at max plunder, keep exploring lands and putting level 4 guilds on until the land is more expensive that your attack building upgrade, when that happens fully upgrade your attack building and then continue exploring lands with guilds until HLBC. Ally trading makes this a lot quicker.
Dont convert til you have explored all lands. Then when you are ready to convert. Its best to do it all at once.
Cursed foundry is a T4 Att building and should be on lowlands, upgrade it to L3. Keep building guilds until land complete, you make more plunder this way (upgrading castle to L3 once 12th HL has been explored). Once you're hllc, convert all hl to L1 vols (biggest plunder uplift), rinse and repeat upgrading to L2, then again to L3. Once all HL are T5BC, upgrade guilds on LL to SOS. Good luck!
I have a similar build consisting of a castle, guilds, and 1 Coe. Your doing good. If you are warring, you might want to build spy defense towers (lowland ones) or convert to SOS or vols.