Seeking Build Advice

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by hidd3n, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening,

    I recently have started playing this game again after a year. I've been here since month one but I've reset quite a few times over the years.

    Things have greatly changed so I need some advice on how to improve my build. I do appreciate any help you can offer.

    Right now I have:
    17 Forges (Lvl 3)
    3 Sub Fact. (Lvl 3)
    1 Sub Fact. (Lvl 2)

    Next land: 1.8b

    After I upgrade my last sub. What should I focus on building? Should I replace all my forges before buying new land? At what point do I need spies?

    I appreciate all feedback and advice, thanks!
  2. Explore the rest of your LL then turn about 5-7 forges to guilds lvl4, then rest of forges to whatever u like (t3/4 balanced would work best: CoE or W. Aviarys)
  3. Yep^

    I saw get into a B2B HTE clan somehow; then explore all LL, replace 8 forges with Guilds. And then replace the rest of the buildings with War Aviaries or Circle of Elementala. CoE's would be better but it's a longer conversion 
  4. Thanks for the help!

    Also what kind of buildings are going to help my plunder?
  5. You should become a pure spy. They get all the ladies.
  6. No towers.

    Strongholds of Shadow give better plunder than guilds, so replace 5-7 of those forges with Strongholds of Shadow, it will pay off in the end. Turn the rest of the forges into Circle of Elements so you can just get your Lowlands done. Then focus on land unlock and putting more CoEs down for the remaining land and focus on upgrading everything to level 3. Once you do that, you can then consider switching the sub. factories into CoEs :D
  7. Basic's:
    - Change forges for guilds.
    - Have 5b in allies


    Copy pasted from my old thread (currently locked so I cant link you to it, however i'm happy to link it via PM or third party application)
    This is from start to finish, hope it helps.


    Step 1: Getting FAST Cash.

    You NEED initial money to start growing.

    Post World Chat saying “New active player needing a volley to 2b”

    Volleying is two or more players constantly hiring an ally raising (bumping) the price. Both you and the players volleying will earn money.

    Step 2: Selling Unwanted Buildings.

    Once you get a volley you will have money (a few million depending on how many times you get bought).

    Once you have this money you will need more lands and buildings however first you need to discard the small buildings you first had in the tutorial.

    - Click on the “Kingdom” tab.
    - Click on the building you are selling.
    - Click “Sell” at the bottom right hand corner.

    Step 3: Buying New Lands

    Initial Land Costs:
    1 - Free (Already Bought)
    2- 1k (Already Bought)
    3 - 1k (Already Bought)
    4 - 5k
    5 - 30k
    6 - 150k
    7 - 300k
    8 - 750k
    9 - 1.5m (1500k)
    10 - 2.5m (2500k)
    11 - 3.5m (3500k)
    12 - 5.0m (5000k)

    My advice would be to buy all lands UP TO the 9th land.

    This will cost you;
    5k + 30k + 150k + 300k + 750k
    = 1.235m (1235k)

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost: 1.235 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 1.235 Mil

    Step 4: Part 1. Attack Buildings On Your New Lands

    Ignore T1 (Workshop, Stable, Barracks)
    You start with T2.
    You should build Forges. As they have a higher attack than the rest meaning you can attack easier
    Forges have 3 Levels costing;
    The first level is the initial buy of the building and the following levels are upgrades.

    So Build 7 Forges (Level 1) on 7 of your lands. This will leave one land spare.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost: 12.25 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 13.485 Mil

    Step 4: Part 2. Spy Buildings On Your New Lands

    With your one remaining land build a Level 1 guild.

    Guilds have 4 Levels costing;

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost: 0.025 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 13.51 Mil

    Step 5: Upgrading your buildings.

    Now as im sure you notice, you have spent over 50% of your money received from Step 1.

    Now you need to upgrade those forges:
    Click on the kingdom tab,
    Click on a forge,
    Bottom Left/Mid is the “Upgrade building” button. Clicking that will give you a pop up confirming your purchase.

    Upgrade ALL 7 forges to Level 2 before upgrading to Level 3.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost (Forges To Level 2): 21 Mil
    Step Cost (Forges To Level 3): 35 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 69.51 Mil

    Step 6: Questing

    Now you are ready to fight …......... the computer.

    Click on the home tab,
    Click the “quests” tab,
    Hit all the quests you can.

    The benefit to this is that it gives you crystals. Crystals can be used to regenerate your troops instantly which will benefit you later game.

    Step 7: Allies and Growth

    Now you will notice, at the moment you arent making much money.
    Money is earnt through hitting the “Battle List” and Epic Battles.

    As you hit the quests you will need to deposit 50% of your earnings into allies.

    Click on the “Allies” tab
    Click “hire more allies”
    Then you can either:
    Hire of the initial list OR
    Click “search for players” and type in your specified cost you want to spend.

    Allies give “plunder bonus” which is the majority earnings when hitting enemies and epic battles. Allies are KEY to keep on top of. Buying LOADS of little allies works as they get bought fast. This gives pros and cons;
    Pro: You earn money when people buy your allies,
    Con: You have to actively keep rebuying allies (and not forget to buy replenish stock).

    Remember: 50% into Allies and 50% into upgrading those forges!

    Step 8: The Lonely Guild Upgrade

    Your forges are all Level 3 and you think what is next....

    First and formost:

    Upgrade that Guild to level 2 – costing 2.5m

    Next Level for guild costs 75m – We will leave that till later.

    IMPORTANT ALLY COUNT NOTICE: You need / should have around 100m in allies.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost: 2.5 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 72.01 Mil

    Step 9: Lands and New Buildings

    IMPORTANT: From now on it is “Whatever is cheapest is first priority”

    Build new lands and put guilds on them.
    Upgrade the guilds to level 2.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost (Land 10): 5.025 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 11): 6.025 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 12): 7.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 13): 12.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 14): 22.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 15): 62.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Lands 10-15): 116.15 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 188.16 Mil

    IMPORTANT ALLY COUNT NOTICE: You need / should have around 200m in allies.

    Step 10: Point To Upgrade Guilds To Level 3

    The 16th land costs 100m which is greater than a guild Level 3.

    This is the time to upgrade ALL 6 of your guilds to Level 3.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost: 450 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 638.16 Mil

    Step 11: Guilds Upgraded

    IMPORTANT ALLY COUNT NOTICE: You need / should have around 2b+ in allies.

    Part 1: Buy lands 16 – 19 and place Level 3 guilds on each.
    Land 20 costs 900m SAME as Level 4 guild.

    Part 2: Upgrade your ALL 10 of your guilds to Level 4.
    You will now notice a LARGE increase in plunder bonus.


    Step Complete.
    Step Cost (Part 1: Land 16): 177.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Part 1: Land 17): 277.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Part 1: Land 18): 377.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Part 1: Land 19): 677.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Part 1: Land 16-19): 1,510.1 Mil
    Step Cost (Part 2): 9,000 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 11,148.26 Mil

    Step 12: Your On Your Way!

    IMPORTANT ALLY COUNT NOTICE: You need / should have around 6b+ in allies.

    Follow the following instructions in order and repeat as stated:

    Stage 1 – Buy New Land
    Stage 2 – Buy Guild Level 1
    Stage 3 – Upgrade Guild When Affordable
    Stage 4 – Once Guild Is Fully Upgrade (Level 4) Repeat from Stage 1.

    Step Complete.
    Step Cost (Land 20): 977.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 21): 1,377.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 22): 1,577.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 23): 1,877.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 24): 2,177.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 25): 3,077.525 Mil
    Step Cost (Land 20-25): 11,065.15 Mil
    Hierarchy Cost: 22,213.41 Mil

    Step 13: Destroy Those Weak Attack Buildings

    Destroy your 7 Small Forges and Add:
    ONE Circle Of Elements AND SIX Guilds

    Circle Of Elements (CoE) have 3 Levels costing:

    - Buy a Level 1 CoE.
    - Buy 6 Level 3 Guilds.
    - One at a time, upgrade your 6 Level 3 Guilds to Level 4.
    - Upgrade your CoE.

    Step 14: Keep on top of your allies!

    MINIMUM Ally Count to Land No.:
    25 Lands: 10b In Allies
    30 Lands: 12b In Allies
    40 Lands: 14b In Allies
    45 Lands: 16b In Allies
    50 Lands: 18b In Allies

    How To Check You Are At Max Plunder:
    Max Plunder is the maximum amount you can earn from allies when attacking. This maximum amount varies per target and per EB.
    Step 1: Have a reasonable sum in allies depending on your land count. Please use the above list for reference.
    Step 2: Hit a target or EB with FULL troops. If hitting another player please look at their pot count. The more pots you burn the more you gain. Take note of the Plunder earnings on that hit.
    Step 3: Buy another fairly small ally - Around 200 mil - 500 mil.
    Step 4: Wait for regeneration (every 5 minutes), to make sure you are full troops.
    Step 5: Hit the same target again and take note of the Plunder earnings.
    Step 6: Compare both Plunder earnings.

    If your plunder is increased on Step 5 then you are NOT at Max Plunder. If your plunder is the same then you are at Max Plunder.

  8. Become a gh and you grow fast :)
  9. Build Circle of elements and sos on low land
  10. What are your goals, OP?

    EB, system war, or OSW?