Season 5: The Ultimate Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Olypics, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Lessons learned from 180 pages of S1 and S2 proposal:

    - Round wars is a great format but is broken because of the Lb/sh exploit

    - Primal wars is the only available option (at the moment) to war as a clan, but some measures should be taken to avoid 15 PS1 rosters.

    - IndiWars pleases the large majority of player because they are fair, well balanced, and give approximately a 50/50 chance of winning. This is at the moment the only war format for new/old players who want to have a shot at war (nobody accept war noobs in decent war clans). However, they do not allow clanmates to war together.

    Let's shake this all together and come up with a great idea! :)

    New Season 5 proposal highlights

    (you may call it IndiClan Wars)

    • [*]Wars every 3h. 8 wars a day. Season is 8 weeks long.
      [*]1hr wars (possibility of 2hrs war in the WE – and 30min wars, see below)
      [*]War companies of (up to) 50 members – which can be modified!
      [*]2 medals per victory – contributes to your clan total!
      [*]All Xtals used are refunded at war end (given you have 10+ successful actions).
      [*]6 indi wars - 0-1 primal - 1-2
      FIXED(!) round (yes!) each day - rotating schedule -
    • Various/random roster sizes (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50)
    • Inactive, Spamming, or abusive players in wars will be banned from the Season (as suggested in dev's Proposal #2)

    I believe this proposal should give some (fair) bread and butter to everyone. I'm open to suggestions/ideas and will include the best ones in this proposal
  2. Re: Work in Progress

    War Times

    If this War Season wants to be inclusive of most players, it has to run 24/7. You cannot ignore 1/3 of the World like has been done in previous seasons.

    Also, many (most?) players have RL commitment and cannot war 2/3 times a day, but are happy to plan their schedule with 1 war a day.
    If the season runs for 4 weeks only, it might be too short for those players to reach a decent reward.
  3. Re: Work in Progress

    War Duration

    The large majority of players is happy with the current duration of wars: 1h prep + 1h war.

    As it has been suggested by CLOUD, we could also have 1 or 2 wars during weekends that are 2hours long, with double payout.

    Another idea: It would be interesting to have fast track wars of 30 min. (+30 min prep) with:
    • Doubled regen speed (every 2.5min)
    • Halved KO times.
    When you are in a classic war, with 10min KOs, if you are neither WC or Tracker, you can basically go play cards for most of your pinned time. If you have a good tracker, you only need to be there 30 sec. before you come back from pin.
    This proposal would be a lot more entertaining for everyone, especially on smaller rosters (up to 20-25), and most importantly, give a chance to players with a tight schedule to war.
  4. Re: Work in Progress

    War Companies

    Yes, war clans! What if you could do Indiwars with your buddies? :)

    Here is how the "IndiClans" would work:

    • Clans companies would have up to 50 members.
    • You could do all 3 kind of wars (Indi, Primal & Round) with you clannies, with some restrictions (see next post about War Types)
    • Each time you win a war, you earn medals, which are also counted in a CLAN TREASURE (adding medals of each warrior in the clan) – More on Rewards later.
    • Possibility to leave your clan / kick a member of your company. If a member leaves his clan, his medals stay in the clan treasure (he loses them). If the member is kicked from his clan, he goes with his medals and can apply in another war clan, where his medals will be added to the new clan's treasure.
    • Clans can be a combination of any type of build, but would be more efficient with warriors in the same bracket (see more in Wars Types)
  5. Re: Work in Progress

    War Rewards & Season Treasure

    How to feel part of a team, if I only do IndiWars?

    As suggested in the original proposals, each war victory would reward your effort with:
    • 2 medals
    • 4 for 2 hour wars
    • 1 or 2 for 30 min wars (See War Duration)

    Additionally, to increase interest in wars, the reward could include:
    • All Xtals used are refunded at war end (given you have 10+ successful actions)
    • Random* chest drop with awards in them (seal, crux, xstals, build tokens, etc) (*given that you have 20+ successful actions, you get a chance at receiving a chest)
    • Bronze Bars (5/successful action)

    All your medals earned, would also be combined into a CLAN TREASURE.
    At the end of the season, each member of the clan gets the medal he won at war, plus a % of the clan treasure, which would be somehow proportional to his contribution to that treasure.

    Ex: A clan wins 3600 medals, and has 45 warriors. The average medal/warrior is 80 (3600/45).
    • Top earner in the clan would get 50% bonus = 40 medals.
    • Top 2-5 earner would get 25% bonus = 20 medals
    • Top 6-20 earners would get 15% bonus = 12 medals
    • Top 21-40 earners would get 10% bonus = 8 medals
    • Bottom 5 earners would get 5% bonus = 4 medals

    In this example, a clan members who would win 117 medals on his own, and finish #5 of his clan would get 137 medals in total.

    This medals can then be counted toward Season rewards/Season medals LB.
  6. Re: Work in Progress

    War Formats

    There would be all 3 types of wars! Each day. Are you Crazy? :eek:

    - 6 Indiwars
    - 1 (or 0) Primal
    - 1 (or 2) Round

    Just like the US army fighting alongside UK, Canada, Denmark, France, etc. in Afghanistan, your IndiClan mates would be fighting together in the same roster, alongside other IndiClan members.

    This would imply:
    • Same format as current IndiWars, you are assigned to a team in a bracket with builds of your size.
    • All members of an IndiClan war in the same roster, given that they are in the same bracket (see example further down the page)
    • You cannot war against other members of your IndiClan.
    • War rosters are a combination of several IndiClans (within the same bracket, see example further down the page)
    • Your IndiClan members can war simultaneously in different brackets (all who cast can war)
    • (Optional) We could limit each roster to 15 members/Indiclan.
    • (Optional) At the end of war, you can give 1 or 2 of your mith payout to WC/Tracker.

    Primal Wars
    Primal would have the same format as currently.
    And here comes the beauty of the entire plan. If you want to have an IndiClan full of PS1 to rock in Primal, you'll have a pretty hard time in Indis (¾ of the wars), as you would end up with a roster with 60-70% of PS or PS1.
    Edit: Primal have been initiated to prevent stacked rosters in Round Wars, while still giving you a chance to war as a clan. If Round Wars get fixed (see proposal below), there is no need for Primal anymore.

    Round Wars
    Yeah, OK, we will have IndiClans full of sh/LB, stacking just like always.
    Yes, but No.

    You can still have IndiClans full of sh/LB, but they would NOT be allowed to signup for Round war together.
    The easiest way to remove this issue altogether is to introduce the “5-multiple” rule:

    • The size of the largest build in a roster must be maximum 5 times the size of the smallest build.”

    With the 5-multiple rule:
    • Sh (1-4M CS) can war with a largest build of 5-20M CS.
    • LB/BC accounts (145M CS) can war with a smallest build of 29M CS.

    For Indi and Round Wars, the payout needs to be recalculated to take into account CS+BFE+BFA.
    This is critical for the survival of wars, in general.
  7. Re: Work in Progress

    Roster Sizes – KO variation

    I really like the proposition -hatf1eld- made on the S5 thread:
    With Indi Wars particularly, it's very simple (and also convenient depending on turn around) to have a random roster size. I would just put a limit at 50-man roster because past this, you get a chance of too large disparity between smallest/largest build, it becomes a nightmare to track properly, you get higher chances of having inactives, etc.

    Regarding KOs, I already suggested fast-track wars above, and I believe Classic and Random are fine with most. The only one that I find boring is Advantage.
    Advantage wars are not all that fun. If you are chasing, it's frustrating. If you are leading, it's boring and almost too easy. The trick would be to shorten drastically the advantage window... to 1 MIN. This way, you still have an individual advantage (1min is way enough to SKO, but it doesn't give a team advantage (entire team able to wave/sko in 1min)
  8. Re: Work in Progress

    Example of IndiClan impact in IndiWars format

    Let's assume we have Clan1 with the following warriors who all casted to be part in the next IndiWar:

    -AnnaBelle- * 73M * Attack
    golthar * 59M * Attack

    ____D____A____N_____ * 30M * Hybrid
    Os-IXlXI_Joey64_IXlXI * 27M * Attack
    _A_I_D_-NERON-_A_I_D_ * 27M * Hansel
    MI_chixo_lady_MI * 25M * Attack
    lllllIIIII_177155_IIIIIlllll * 24M * PS
    LeD-_-ZePpELiN * 22M * Attack
    -FLI-achaka-FLI- * 22M * Attack
    Xx--VII-FiNs-II--xX * 20M * Attack
    Mypouf * 19M * PS
    Your_Karma_Bill_Is_Due_Nooblet * 16M * Hansel

    Hyprosite * 12M * Attack
    -_ZE_CJ_MP_- * 10M * Hybrid
    xX_Sassette_Xx * 9M * Hansel
    _____CUUMII_____ * 8M * Attack
    xx_Who_Cares_xx * 8M * Attack

    They will be split in 3 different brackets, has shown in the list above.

    Then they would be paired with other clans (Clan2, Clan3, Clan4) who also casted, as follows

    Higher Bracket
    -AnnaBelle- * 73M * Attack
    golthar * 59M * Attack

    Middle Bracket (20 man roster)
    tRoUbLeD-ChronicKiwi * 32M * Attack
    ____D____A____N_____ * 30M * Hybrid
    lllIIIllllIPhoenixllIIlllIlIll * 28M * Attack
    Callen_Goldenshield * 27M * Attack
    Os-IXlXI_Joey64_IXlXI * 27M * Attack
    _A_I_D_-NERON-_A_I_D_ * 27M * Hansel
    MI_chixo_lady_MI * 25M * Attack
    _Herbal_-_Remedy_ * 24M * Attack
    lllllIIIII_177155_IIIIIlllll * 24M * PS
    lIlIBHlIlIBaconatorIlIlOHIlIl * 23M * Hybrid
    Bob_Sacamano * 23M * Hansel
    LeD-_-ZePpELiN * 22M * Attack
    -FLI-achaka-FLI- * 22M * Attack
    lIlIl-IIll-TU-RT-LE-IIlI-llIIl * 21M * Hansel
    Xx--VII-FiNs-II--xX * 20M * Attack
    Mypouf * 19M * PS
    LOS-ACHILD17 * 19M * PS
    MaPagMaHaL * 19M * Hansel
    Your_Karma_Bill_Is_Due_Nooblet * 16M * Hansel
    IlIlChiKeN-N-WafFleSIlIl * 17M * Hybrid

    Lower Bracket
    Hyprosite * 12M * Attack
    -_ZE_CJ_MP_- * 10M * Hybrid
    xX_Sassette_Xx * 9M * Hansel
    _____CUUMII_____ * 8M * Attack
    xx_Who_Cares_xx * 8M * Attack
  9. Re: Work in Progress

    New Plunder Algorithm

    As suggested by many, but most recently by ST4T1ON_H1N3Y HERE, the Plunder Algorithm is outdated and needs to change.

    It was introduced at a time where the largest Attack build was somewhat close to... 9M CS. :roll:
    Since then, the gh build has been nerfed... so gh became Sh... resulting in the current stacking issue we all know in Round Wars.

    The issue is that the current algorithm takes into account 2 parameters:
    • The size of the defender's build (Raw CS)
    • The defensive pots he's using

    Now, here is how it currently works with an example:

    Player 1 is a Sh with 2.9M CS
    Player 2 is a "small" Attack build with 16.4M CS

    Player 1 stats

    Player 1 Equip


    Player 2 stats

    Player 2 Equip

    With the Current Plunder Algorithm, based on CS only, Player1 is considered to be 5,5 times smaller than Player2.

    When Player1 successfully hits Player2, he gets a LARGE plunder (100M+) because, you know, he is 5,5 times smaller... :roll:
    Now when Player2 successfully hits Player1, he gets a TINY plunder (10M-20M) because, you know, he is 5,5 times bigger... :|

    That would be true if BFE/BFA wasn't considered at all... which is the case... in Primal Wars. ONLY.

    Now, the uggly truth:
    Player 1 BFE: 445m = 8.9M CS
    Player 1 BFA: 400m = 8M CS

    Player 2 BFE: 350m = 7M CS
    Player 2 BFA: 15m = 300k CS

    Player 1 Total (CS+BFE+BFA)= 2.9 + 8.9 + 8 = 19.8M CS
    Player 2 Total (CS+BFE+BFA)= 16.4 + 7 + 0.3 = 23.7M CS

    Suddently, it looks a lot more balanced on the sheet... If we go further and looks what happen when they are both coming back from KO (~17% troops/spies):

    Player 1 Total (CS+BFE+BFA)= 0.5 + 8.9 + 8 = 17.4M CS
    Player 2 Total (CS+BFE+BFA)= 2.8 + 7 + 0.3 = 10.1M CS

    Back from KO, Player1 is nearly twice as big as Player2, BUT Player1 still pays little to Player2, Player2 still pays HIGH to Player1.

    This cannot work any longer...

    Here is how to fix it.
    The Plunder Algorithm should actually be considering:
    • The size of the defender's build, at the instant of the action.
    • The defender's equipment (BFE)
    • The defender's allies bonus (BFA)
    • For the 3 values above: Only consider Attack Stats (Attack Actions) OR Spy Stats (Steal Action)

    As Station mentioned, using pots in the equation is useless. Defensive pots are here to protect you, if you open the door (no pots), there is no reason you should pay less when someone hits you.

    (will elaborate further in a few hours...)
  10. Re: Work in Progress

    reserved for brilliant ideas...
  11. Re: Work in Progress

    Quit a lot of reserved
  12. Re: Work in Progress

    Almost like a restaurant
  13. Re: Work in Progress

    No reserve
  14. Re: Work in Progress

    Damn look like all the seats are taken plz lock for lack of room
  15. Re: Work in Progress

  16. Re: Work in Progress

    Wait what Holliday is it? With all those reserves 
  17. Re: Work in Progress

    At least you're having fun, that's the most important... :lol:
  18. Re: Work in Progress

    All these reserves must be for July 4th
  19. Re: Work in Progress - Season 5: The Ultimate Proposal

    I dont understand the concept of warring with your buddies in indi, to me it just sounds like clan wars.
  20. It's ready guys, feel free to suggest ideas.