Season 5 Proposal Critique ( Not The Indi Crap )

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sparky2, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. So KaW have come up with the oh so great way to incorporate Individual Wars into the Round Robin idea. Just make it all Indi!!

    Personally, I liked the first idea rather than the second. I don't know about you but all I see a lot of you complaining about is clan unity. How should we fix that? Indi War Season :roll:

    So here's my idea.

    I want the first proposal BUT there's some changes I want to see.

    - All wars will be 1 hour and limited to one regen

    - All wars will be PRIMAL

    - I'd like to see the chance of you being refunded your health crystal correlating with your EE spell. An EE 5 should have a better chance at receiving their crystal back over a EE 1. This would half push, half pull people into warring more often.

    - There'll be a decay spell that requires you to war once every week or be kicked out of the War Company.

    - Have minimum stat requirements, to deter the statless.

    - War Companies will be 50 in size. War Squads will be 17-20 in size ( you remember when your roster of 27 could match one of 29? Yea, I want that back. More strategy needed )

    Ok so far? Here's the solution for Individual Wars. You cast like regular for Indi. Instead of being put in a clan, devs make a roster that they feel suitable of a War Company. They then just make the damn War Company and throw them in the loop. For this to work in the Round Robin format, these dev made Companies will run in a parallel system, similar to the current one. They will only be allowed to be created in Pre Season and the regular Season.

    That means theses clan couldn't partake in Playoffs or Finals.

    **NOTE** This means player made Companies could watch these Individual Companies and recruit from these Companies A WEEK BEFORE PLAYOFFS.

    To be eligible for playoff recruitment, you must meet the requirements that players in the player made Companies had to hit. (The minimum number of wars and such)

    Don't get recruited? Shouldn't have sucked. This gets rid of EB builds hopefully.

    **Reminder** This idea follows the idea of the original S5 Proposal, with some changes.

    Bite my head off, critique, improve. I don't care at the moment, whole thread was merely a drunk thought. Enjoy.

    Oh and by the way, screw the new Proposal.
  2. Ily . This is good
  3. So you want a bunch of people that don't have experienced to cast and be thrown together. Seems like a great way to feed them to the few actual war clans that will participate and get easy rewards. Here bruh sign me up and take my time and money.

    No support
  4. Support  IRL of course
  5. Id rather indy war
  6. I'd like them to do it asw style, all Indi sign up, but the wars be on primal/Indi settings, randomise them up as you would. And have the roster capped at 50 per clan, so that at least 15 can war in each slot with ease.

    Also for the clans used, people are locked in but they have all unlocks already done so that between wars they can make gold to refill pots/allies/upgrades

    While keeping to this will limit movement for events during season 5 (I believe season 5 should be the only "event") those not warring can just go about daily business (those who didn't sign up)
  7. i like primal, but its open to exploits jusf like round wars.

    And this is why we cant have nice things
  8. Indi's work fine. The complainers are mostly sh that are shocked they won't have anything to exploit.
  9. I like most of it just not Indy being in the "loop" with the other clans.
  10. So we do all primal for season to win nice new war equip that we will never use in primal wars ... hmmmm

    Stupidest idea EVER!!!
  11. yeah, lets just not hand out eq!! problem solved
  12. Support, this plan looks great. Would be nice if they could atleast implemet this along with the indis
  13. Indy all the way still ️
  14. Support. Good ideas
  15. Although I do like indis. Don't get rid of them. Just modify wars
  16. Modify Indis a little. Not inTo primals. They are damn awful
  17. There actually hasn't been any mention of equipment on either proposal by devs. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they came up with some other reward to keep their hunts and equipment making money.
  18. Modify indis so that you are able to war with friends in your bracket.