season 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Adora, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Lets face it, season 3 was brutal for most. If you weren't an LB tank or sh, your season most likely didn't go to well. So how do we fix this to make the wars interesting again and all build types/sizes useful?

    1. Stop counting bfe into match ups, one of the most disturbing things I saw this season was clans striiping off the very equip they are warring for to get a favorable matchup. Almost defeating the purpose of warring aside from just smacking people. Bfe unlike cs of bfa, is a lot easier to come by. With this events and ebs it is possible to have quality bfe even without having any mith equip.

    2. Make spy actions pay more to bring back hansels or at least give them a chance.

    3. Let's make spy KOs stay stealthy. Don't display name in newsfeed or cc. Should make wars a lot more interesting and require more organized clans to figure out who is up.

    4. Bring back 2 hour wars, maybe even set ko times. The one hour wars(more so the advantage then random) brought about the turtle strategy. It has to be one of the most boring strategies in existance. So longer wars or set ko times may phase this out a bit.

    These are just some rough ideas, please feel free to improve on them or post your own ideas. Let's get something solid to present to the devs, after all, this game is for us and paid for by us, so let's make it how we want it.
  2. Have 2 sets of wars next season. Have one set for the professional clans. These wars would run Exactly like the season 3 wars. Only professionals would fight against professionals.

    In tandem with this, run developer made random clans. Casual players can sign up and be drafted into these clans, much like now it works with the ASW. Random clans will only fight other random clans.

    Sure, your random clan may only have a 50/50 shot of wining, but those odds are way better than what is faced today, when professional clans/builds simply crucify the common player.

    I want EE to be available to all, and this seems like the most viable way to do that,mas it has something for everyone.

    If the professional EE players object to this, its only because stomping on the throats of newbs is fun. Its also, however, destructive to EE and detrimental to this app, which is why I like running a dual war system. Let the common player have his day in the sun.
  3. I like the system now happy that there are alot less nms
  4. Could always lock equipment once woc is casted.
  5. I agree moose. That'd be great!
  6. 3)doing this would be all ps wars so no support there.

    4) everyone complained about 2 hour wars being too long thus the reason the debs changed it to 1 hr. Turtle wars will still happen with 2 hour wars. And turtle start can be beat AOC just beat MM while they turtled
  7. I disagree entirely for 2 hour wars...blah blah blah its classic it will fix this n that. No it won't the only thing i will change is that
    #1 many people will not be able to war bc thats 3 hours maybe even 4 for some of their time gone.
    #2 thats 2 hours instead of just one hour, of you getting your ass wooped. Sorry =\
  8. Ok I can understand about the 2 hr wars. And as for the turtle strategy, never said it can't be beat, it's just boring.
  9. As for mooses system I do like it, the draft seems to give the best shot to everyone. However I do have to counter that will the whole basis of these wars being clan unity, which we have strayed far away from.
  10. I have liked season 1 most of all. Seemed the most fair. And of course war isn't supposed to be fair but you shouldn't be able to tell the winner 5 seconds after getting match like you could all of season 3. How to fix season 3? Not a clue.. Gone too far into the hole I believe
  11. I Merced season 3, fit in 4 wars, won 2, lost 2, saw no turtle strategy but heard about it.
    Imo I loved it, and was quite evenly matched, win and lose both were close.
    Give it some more time.
  12. THANK YOU moose. Finally someone who agrees with the individual thing. For that though i think there should be a minimum cs too for it, like 2mill cs. That way most of today's sh can war but it also prevents day 1 KaWers from trying something that would ruin It for others
  13. I guess we all got screwed for s3 equipment...where it's our dam equipment
  14. Moose's idea is flawed, it is based on season 3 not being a total crapfest. I am assuming that by "professional" EE warriors he means the stacking clans who ruined EE for the rest of us.

    No more wars until the system is fixed.
  15. jethro: yea. Im referring to clans that stack the rosters with one two LB players, and then have a crap ton of SH.

    The mechanics allow for this. Also, it seems that no matter what the devs do coding wise, there will be some very cerebral players on his app who will figure out how to maximize the roster and dominate. Once one clan figures out the optimal roster stack, many other clans follow. Those who wish to spend big bucks retool and play, while the newb or casual player is faced with the option of either not playing at all, or playing and getting their ass handed to them over and over and over again.

    If we let the professional roster stackers play against each other, and let the casual players war against each other, the EE matching Problems will resolve organically.
  16. They won't fight in the "professional" league very long, they are looking for easy mith not competitive matches.

    But if the BS matching continues and regular players/clans continue to opt out they eventually maybe be forced to face each other.

    Honestly that is my best case scenario, I love to see ppl choke on what they have sown.
  17. Jethro: a clans strength doesn't lie in one player, but instead lies in the roster. If the professionals wish to fight in the "casual" league, they will be randomly drafted into random clans, with rosters being set by the devs, like in the ASW. I don't see how the professionals will find easy mith there
  18. I think he means they won't sign up in a "professional" match up system but all clans could sign up and based on prestige, get put in one matchup system or another.
  19. The non professional league only has dev created clans and dev created rosters, so any professionals that play there won't really have an advantage
  20. Equipment - make it compulsory to have 75% of your equipment slots 'Equipped' before WoC allows a person to cast.
    Upon casting WoC, all equipment Is locked Un-equipping is disabled.