---Season 4 Rewards---

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZoomBoomBye, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Hello all! ZoomBoom here,

    As i looked through the Season 4 thread i realized something. Maybe i am wrong on this but just hear me out.

    The 4 pieces of equipment are nice. They are well designed, unique and the stat increase is what i have come to expect from a war season in KaW. Seeing as how the top 500 players in medallion count will receive these pieces, i think it is fair to say that most hardcore EE players are fighting for the top 10 or 100 on medal LB.. for the banners.

    When i look at the Banners i am not all that impressed. The design for lv3 is sick don't get me wrong... But the idea that the lower banners should be a less flashy and torn version of the coolest flag has got me a little salty. Show some creativity devs! The blue color is to much like the Defender Banner... Lv2 defender and top 100 banner are pretty damn close. Lv3 is UNIQUE. lv1 and lv2 are pretty lame. :-( (i have suggestions)

    The cool thing about these KaW events is getting something RARE. Of course, in the big scope of things only 500 people will get the gear so technically a small portion of player will receive it all. UNITL IT GOES ON SALE next season. <---- dumb idea.

    Anyways, the stats for the banners are bogus and the design for the lower 2 should be tweaked. To think that a player that makes the top 10 deserves 1% increase over the lv2 atk banner is ridiculous. It is completely ridiculous that these banners are even close. EB banner require nothing but tapping an eb, as you normally would. Getting TOP 10 in SEASON 4 is an unbelieveable amount of work and time. even top 100 is a huge accomplishment...


    Devs, with a very small amount of work (i think) you can put a good finish to this new format and new season.


    Adjust the stats of the banners and gear.

    TOP 10 LB - Gear goes to +16 enchantment (only top 10LB can get past +15) and banner stats are increased another 1 or 2%

    6% Atk, 4% Def, 4% Spy Atk, 2% Spy Def

    TOP 100 LB - Gear can go to +15 enchantment (only top 100 can get past +10) and banner stats are increased to:

    4% Atk, 2% Def, 2% Spy Atk, 1% Spy Def

    TOP 500 LB - Gear can be enchanted to +10 and stats for the banner are increased to:

    3% Atk, 1.5% Def, 1.5% Spy Atk, 0.75% Spy Def

    TOP 10 - Honestly, looks very good.
    TOP 100 - Mimic the top 10 banner design, but change color from BLUE/GOLD to a BLUE/SILVER color scheme.
    TOP 500 - Mimic the top 100 banner design, but change color to BLUE/BRONZE color scheme.

    I am just looking for something a little cooler. A better indication to others, of how hard it was to achive...

    To think that ALL the time people have spend only deserves such teeny awards (%) gets me hot under the collar. You did say (i think) that the original banner system (atk/def/bal) would eventually be able to continue enchanting passed +2. If this is the case, it only strengthens my point. These banners appearance and stats should correlate directly with just how difficult and EXPENSIVE they were to earn, seeing as how they are NOT enchantable.

    Idk... i just think about how many nights i have warred. I am not even close to top 10. I have probably spent $80-100 this season on xstals...for these wars.

    Bottom line for me is that the amount of commitment I HAVE needed to just break the top 100 in insane. To think that the rewards for this effort should fall in line with the EB banners or the old warring system equipment is a smack in the face. Its bogus. And i think many people that warring as much as i have will feel similar.

    Rant over. Devs please consider my opinion on the matter.

    Thank you clan owners, war commanders, war organizers and trackers that helped me get where i am at now. I KNOW HOW MUCH DAMN WORK IT TAKES... You guys are awesome.

    Even if the devs do not recognize this, i sure as hell do.

    Thanks, happy kawing. :D
  2. lol, so far only feedback i see on s4 thread is people like the banner.

    Jeeesh... :eek:
  3. Need 100 medals for all 4 EQ n top 500 gives bonuses to EQ n get L1 banner
  4. Support to zbb ️

    The banners are not much better than Quetzal banner..
  5. Support
  6. Don't need better rewards for your make believe, dev controlled 'wars'.
  7. Skimmed a it. Saw a lot of stupid ideas and saw some good ideas. Meh, good job anyways.
  8. *skimmed a lot of it*
  9. No support
  10. i can support this. But in all honestly i would rather have choice of where the stats go on the banner, cause having the att side higher than spy side does no good to me and a few others in top 10. % really doesnt meed to change, just let me switch the att numbers with the soy numbers pretty please lol
  11. Support this thread. And no support to vamp as s4 is already easy enough being a spy build. Dont give the spies better stats lol
  12. Support
  13. :'( you get more cs being build complete and all the banners are already so att heavy. Cant the spies get a little something too. I mean its not like the spy def wouldnt help people with sdt either. That and every indi war im in i drop faster than the prom queens panties. So cant i get 1 small request lol
  14. Wow... that is a good point vamp. Customized banner stats would be SICK.

    My main point with all of this ranting is that:

    The amount of time/work to achieve top 10 or even top 100 LB is exponentially more than it takes to just unload on EBs every hour.

    To think that the old banner system is, statistically, even on the same planet as the war banners is a joke.
  15. I didnt realize u said custom :0
  16. 100% support! I really like the idea of changing the colors around like you suggested Zoom, the gold, silver and bronze.

    Vamp, I too think it would be pretty sweet to be able to switch the attack with the spy stats.

    \ ;-.

    \\/ Fly ´¯`..¸¸.´¯`.¸¸.
    :Ο0 .¸¸.´¯`..¸¸.´¯`
    / `-'
  17. I would also appreciate improved matchmaking for individual wars. Many times you know your side is done bc you have no composition of builds that promotes a win while the other side is severely overpowered to win. Not only this but a ranking system is necessary. Other times the match may be even.. Until you have 2-3 know inactive ps leaks/ or more experienced warriors on the other side. Matches for indi are supposed to be even... Make it so icant tell who will win when the matchup is made plz.