SEASON 4 fail.... support. devs need to start responding!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by STrE3T_CyB3r-H34rT_HiT-MaCHiNE, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Okay so i have already posted this, but on an already pretty much dead thread, so i will go ahead and post to get kawmmunity's support as season 4 is a very controversion topic.. Moreover, i feel devs need to start addressing these issues apporpriately or at very least a decent response to the community.

    Okay so i feel indi wars are a joke, as they are "fair" they really are not. Every single war you do is a coin flip. And all indi war winners are decided at mostly at the start. If you have EE'd before as long as I have since EE was ever introduced, you can distinguish warriors; and most of the time whoever side gets the better warriors, gets a good tracker, a WC or the better LB, they will most likely win. It is 'fair' but in reality it isn't. A coin flip is fair? Most would say yes, as you have statistically 50% chance of winning and losing every single flip, however, how is a coin flip fair for all the dedicated loyal EE warriors that have worked so hard through about 2 years to get where are now, just to war with the noob with 1 mil in spy towers, just to war with the noob that shows up 30min into the war, to war with the noob that doesn't follow directions, to a war with the noob that doesn't have the right EE build, with the noob that doesn't have enough money for xtals or enough mith to cast, and many more.. so is that 'fair', no I'm sorry but a coin flip is not fair to me.. I have worked too hard through all these years to have to go through a coin flip to determine the winner.

    Where primals go... just give it a couple of weeks and roster manipulation will come. Clan owners will adjust and those clans that adjust will keep winning, and the whiners will keep whining so long they keep losing to clans that adjust.. when realistically, all those clans/ people that whine will just be jealous or frustrated they didn't think about out it first or didn't do it first.

    not to mention, ironically, primals pretty much cater the HFBC, PS and sh only now.. until new warring methods are developed, all mids in kaw are secluded from these wars as they will get demolished by bigs or PS. but then again, roster manipulation at that point will start to happen all over again.

    More importantly, and even bigger fail with primals, is devs released a war style that takes off bfe/bfa, however i'm 99% sure bfa/bfe are still counted in the matchup algorithm, which is ridiculous.

    P.s. I'm generally speaking as that's what tends to Happen with EE wars.
    First tower builds were exploited, however they were a 'legal' way to war. Too many ppl complained, devs tried to fix and tower build mechanics no longer worked for EE.
    Second, LB stacking and roster manipulation started and devs narrowed match making so it won't be too flop sided.. this process has taken years for devs to get it as it is now, not saying it is perfect, but i will hand it to them, it has significantly improved.
    third (and not lastly, as i'm sure i have missed some), ppl tried doing LB/ SH devs are doing now primals and indi..

    someone will come up with something to exploit the primal wars, don't doubt it.. so not for one second think that primals are a solution to exploits or roster manipulation.. they will happen and you will whine so long you're not part of it, or not smart enough, or 'right build' to get in it.
    and not for one second think that indi wars are any better, as a coin flip to win is not a solution to anything.

    devs if you just want to make it easy, save yourself a headache and cater to everybody's needs.. just do all 3 different types of war for S4, 2 each per day and do timezones everyone in the world (ahem, asia and austrialia) can also enjoy. Respect the kawmmunity and at the very least, address all of these very controversial issues. Season 4 was rushed and very unpremeditated, with a flawed system: 1. indi wars need to be sectioned better: better grouping in matchmaking
    2. primals have a flawed matchup algorithm - includes bfa/bfe in wars that nullifies them for use.
  2. p.s. thanks for taking your time to read this, and apologize in advance for making in a bit lengthy.

    thanks, happy kawing!
  3. Another deserving EE vet complaint? The system is in a mess exactly because of this elite attitude.
  4. Between both Indy Wars n Primal Wars ppl have a good variety of war options atm IMO.

    As for a coin flip for Indy Wars thats fine for any build to enter n thats fair for newer ppl.
    Til an exploit seams apparent for Primal Wars its fine so far.
    Ur thread is transparent n u want Clan Wars.
    Let Clan Wars reemerge if the devs r listening.

    Summary: Points against IWar n PWar will not impact change future Clan Wars coming back.
  5. For primal you dont have to be lb, just have a crapload of towers :lol:

    And indi wars are decided before they started? Isnt that the case with clan wars too…? as most, not all, clan wars are won by roster and not by warring, gg 'vets'
  6. Have to agree with farohk 

    Always been a cointoss. Also I feel indi's are more aimed at noobs, where else do they war?

    The Primals are a mess but over time.
  7. Well you nailed it  manipulation for primal already attempted and in the works.

    You may hate IWARs- but it's the only fair way thus far. When it's up to us- you manipulate rosters, drop equip, play with BFA. We scream for fairness! But manipulate... while we wait 

    I've said it before- STOP POINTING FINGERS AND PULL YOUR THUMB. We are the reason why it sucks.....

    You stacking, unequipping, 'I'll wait to buy an Allie until after match up' ...button pushers! Y'all did this! Not the devs....

    And some y'all still unequipping with primals too.

    Is there no end to the short cuts? Good lord!