SEASON 3....what a JOKE!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by STrE3T_CyB3r-H34rT_HiT-MaCHiNE, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. This has been by far the least enjoyable most disappointing season yet... The start of season 2 was a mess, but it seemed that towards the end of season 2 devs were actually starting to get somewhere with fixing EE. When season 2 ended kaw demanded wars to resume and devs gave us Chaos Wars.

    Chaos Wars have been, in my humble opinion, the MOST enjoyable FUN wars I have ever participated in. For anyone that knows me, they know I have participated in EE since day 1, since it was originally first released with the 100 member 4 hour wars.

    To keep it short, chaos wars were very innovative, and it’s setup with 28 wars a week 20 of which were 11 member rosters, made it very distinctive. Moreover, 11 member rosters kept the wars at a high level of fun and interest since every single member of that war was more dependable and was a higher liability to the clan determining the war outcome.

    All in all, I think many of us can agree that this season is a joke; it's even making many players want to just skip S3 altogether.
    I have only been matched maybe 6/20 wars I’ve signed up so far this season. It is incredibly frustrating to have THAT many no matches. I understand the kawmmunity demanded more no matches rather than bad matches, but this amount of no matches is inexcusable. It seems as if the match up algorithm was again altered, and yet again for the worse. When clans that war hardcore which genuinely know how to war and have learned to create rosters, and then get these absurd amounts of no matches, I can safely say this is once again your incredibly flawed matching system. DEVS, YOU NEED TO FIX IT, AND NEED TO DO SOMETHING SOON! It’s already mid-week 3 and so far, very poor and disappointing results. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  2. Another s3 thread?

  3. We can all agree s3 is unique, and probably the worst season so far but don't gripe here and make another thread. Comment on another similar thread.
  4. I'm not complaining
  5. Where have you warred op? Give me the names and wars of your last 5 matches
    Out in 41 matches, name 5
  6. (___|___)
  7. thank you for your interest panda, however my history is none of your concern for that matter which strays away from the real topic on matter. But since i have been at GL, i have not merced, so feel welcomed to browse through. i have been here since week 1 day 1, so that's as much as i've warred and been no matched.

    whereas my history goes I HAVE ALWAYS been very loyal, i first started EE at Z clans, then they stopped doing EE at around new years 2 years ago, from which i moved to Empire. A clan which was doing very well at the time and was perm there for some time, until they stopped doing EE. At that point i looked for a good EE clan, and i believe that was towards the end of season 1. which my hard efforts got me to WarLor. Clan for in which i was loyal with for some time, even during OSW, however several months later S2 started, and by the time w3 started we had to part ways as i needed to grow on EE rancor, and warlor was no longer taking part of EE. so at that point i merced for some time, earning respect of clans such as Chaos Reborn, SoTUW, and lastly but not the least, a clan which i have been fond of and part of for a very long time, a clan which has been a brother to me, Pillars Of Chaos.
    At this point i am at the clan that i am right now, Ghost Legion for all S3 as many of them i have fought alongside in osw(in which i did not wish to have take part of, and alsoǥgot stripped enough due to osw ,but helped as i could during my time), and i have grown with, with this account all through since beginnings of EE..

    Anyway, if you want history, it'll be in the clans mentioned( maybe at most a few wars here and there).but in reality, I stand by my name, and i stand by the fact i try my best every time i war, whatever wr i get, every single war i try to get #1. I love this game, just feel season 3 is going a mess.. we have limited time to get rancor, but devs screw us with flawed algorithm which so far has given me over 3x as many no matches than matches
  8. Sorry i was a little messy with grammar last post, i didnt't proofread.. i'm using emoji for android and doesn't use auto correct for anything. Not even for capital letters..
  9. Season 3 is great. So far I have had 8 no matches. Epic my dear Devs. (For the stupid out there I am joking)
  10. Another s3 thread...
  11. I'm sorry that you're getting so many "no matches", however, those are better than getting lopsided matches that waste everyone's time.

    You'd prefer to fight, and i respect that, but a no match is better than a poor match
  12. 100% support. The chaos wars were awesome. Our clan can't even get a match this time.
  13. @moose

    Well we got almost no "no matches " in the chaos wars. Can't they change it back to that system?
  14. frog: I've been away for too long to be up to speed on season 3, so, I really don't have that much to offer. I don't know what the parameters are for this season.

    All I know is that
    1. I really enjoyed the chaos wars
    2. A no match is better than a bad match ;-)
  15. Dev suck 
  16. I like how people keep saying "another S3 thread"... Couldn't devs take a hint?

    @moose: both of your points I agree full heartedly. I even mention them in the initial post. People were loving Chaos Wars, and no real complaints other than your few outliers.
    And of course, everyone will agree better to have a no match than a bad match.. but seriously, this amount of no matches is getting a little out of hand.. Devs are just wasting our time.. as a clan this season we have signed up for every single war, and we have gotten 15/37 wars.. really.. really..
    and not to mention the times were devs have matched us up with clans up to 8 ranks above us... so much for a fair match, specially when devs actually say on their war thread
    "The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you"
    but not EIGHT!! seriously....
  17. Moose - not sure what wars u have been doing but we are also getting hugely lobsidded matches....both aspects of the matching algo r not working. There is no excuse or defense to this. Mids and spies have been ruined by EE as well. Enough said - time to lube up for this lobsidded match.....
  18. I've only had three no matches o_O
  19. I feel the population's reaction to s3 is drastic enough that devs should SUSPEND the season . But yet they carry on, and the clans benefitting only get more rancor while everyone else gets further behind
  20. Dear Moose, I understand you have to defence the developers, but there are too many no match ups and also too many unfair match ups.
    Maybe they should work on their algorithm instead of counting money from unsatisfied customers.