Season 3 - Week 3: Wars 13

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. All clans that got no match are shown in red in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 3 to 5 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them.

    War #13
    PST - 7:00 PM
    EST - 10:00 PM
    GMT - 3:00 AM
    SGY - 11:00 AM
    Duration: 2 Hours
    Health Crystals: 2
    KO Type: Advantage
    KO Time: 10-15 Minutes
    Hit Restrictions: ON
    Roster Size: 25

    Ghost Legion

    Chronos Battlegrounds
    Rising Hawks
    Udder Madness
    La Resistance
    PoC Incoming
    ancient prestige
    _23 and 1_
    FAITH Battleground
    Spartans of The under world
    Black Sails
    Black Hand
    ThE InSanE AsYLuM
    Articles of Confederation
    Mushroom Kingdom
    Division 1
    K.O.- WAR - P.E.
    X Factor - odd guild out
  2. 3 to 5 ranks? Try 16 ranks. As that is how we matched vs RH
  3. Congrats to the clans that won the lottery and matched. 
  4. Rising Hawks swooped down to catch us 16 ranks below them >.<
  5. Props to RH, you guys did well, as always. I dont blame you guys for anything, but that was the worst match up ive ever had in 3 seasons of war.

    We were down 16 power ranks on the list, which is already outrageous, but with so few clans signing up for weekend wars, that number is even more mind boggling. they were ranked 8/33, while we were 24/33. I could understand 16 ranks when there are 60-75+ clans signed up, because ive been in a few that we have won, or lost by a narrow margin being down 15 power ranks. but with 33 clans signed up how is 16 rank disparity even possible? thats a clan in the top 1/3rd, matching with a clan in the bottom 1/3rd...

    Not to mention they had two LB, and we had none. and one of them was one of the biggest baddest dude in the game, #8 Ally LB DTL. couldnt stop him even if we did have LBs :p

    With the amount of no matches the Devs have been throwing at us (around 50% of the time), how could this possibly be a fair match in your eyes Devs? If anything, this is the one time where there should have been a no match, not the copy and paste "hit ratio" explanation that ever clan seems to get.
  6. Go back to season 1 match up algorithm, season 3 has flat put sucked.
  7. Also, please give more information on no matches so people know what to add. Saying poor hit ratio doesn't help us gather any information except that our roster wasn't good enough to be offered as a sacrifice to RH
  8. This thread is a good example of why 99% of Kaw don't bother with these wars

    33 clans signed up, 13 of them had no matches...40%.

    Of the remaining clans, the ones that won are all stacked Rosta's.

    Of the clans that did not match, all they want to know is how they can stack their Rosta's so they can get a match..

    Yet the most complained about issue in EE wars is Rosta stacking.

    The irony 

    I don't blame them, they want to war and want to figure out how they can. But the reality of it is that even if they can stack their Rosta's enough to get a match they will still come up against someone who has done it better.

    The worst this here is that Kaw_Admin actually advocates this tactic in the OP post, asking clans to change their rosta's so they can get a match. Thats just madness. System Wars should be inclusive not EXCLUSIVE

    Better to advise peeps to get more clans warring, that way more matches. Nowadays if your not GH/SH or LB you cant war.

    Why does the amount of no matches surprise peeps?

    War system was incorrect from the beginning - those of us who have not warred since Rancor Trails (pre season 1) know this. The rest of you are just playing a very expensive game of catchup 
  9. Not worth my time anymore
  10. Lol it is kaw lottery!!! All it cost is 1 free mith for a chance at 14 free mith!! You "fixed" tvp so nobody could abuse it and now your giving it out??
  11. @kaw_admin, you should make it to where every no matched clan gets 1 rancor level because at this rate nearly no one will be able to reach level 50.
  12. Wow these 20 man rosters are working great! NOT.

    Go back to 25 :(
  13. Should go back to 10-15 man roster tbh.
  14. Over and under a certain cs wars please. we've got to a point were all the sh will be leaks if upgrade so I think this will be the better solution as matching will be easier also as clans cs will be closer and the gh/sh can grow without facing people x10 there size. Mids will be brought back in larger cs war and a lot more people will enjoy being able to hit every1 on the other team and bring wars back to the best coordinated/best builds win not who can make the best rooster.
  15. Devs i think you`re close but need to do 2 cs per clan. The top 10 cs and then the bottom 10 cs. This would match clans together that are stacking lbs with gh. Just a idea.
  16. Week 4 still the same crappy times. For god sake devs wake up and listen to the community. Your ee war system is broken. Suspend season now and fix it before more ppl leave this game. This needs a complete overhaul from times to match up system.
    For all there faults Season 1
  17. Glad I quit the EE war bs...I'll wait til things get properly fixed...IF they fix anything.
  18. I'm with you Max. I'm done with this broken crap system. I'll sit back and watch it go down in flames. :lol: :lol:
  19. What a joke
    I cant believe i converted a 2 year eb build to sh to get my equipment this season only to get constant nm

    Devs better do something fast ee is a sinking ship and falling fast
    But im guessing they have thrown there hands up already since we dont see them in here

    This is a dead system
    Cant get a good roster without a winning history and cant get a winning history without wins
    Cant introduce new players (low bfe) cause it will mess up the roster (mith in sw could help)
    The list goes on theres a lot more wrong with this system but im sure its been said time and time again so im wasting my time lol
    Just give us a different aveanue to get mith so we can ee
  20. Wow devs looks like u either got some stones to risk losing almost all of your war consumers or u just don't got any to lose... Here is an idea how bout u fix the we system and make people happy again so that you can make some money if that's what u want like most people in the world today I know I'm never doing a season war again and I'm probly not going to do we either it's a east of my time while I'm waiting for every war to be over(cause I've lost everyone of them) I could be doing 8 hour tsg but I wanted to try and win! ️Thx fol letting me watch ur we system crash and burn