War #6 PST - 7:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM GMT - 3:00 AM SGY - 11:00 AM Duration: 1 Hour Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Random KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 25 All clans that got no match are shown in red in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them. Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty -> Poor hit ratio with clans in your stat range -S26TR- Chronos Battlegrounds -Empire Rising- DRAGONS SANCTUARY -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches Battlegrounds Ghost Legion The Sweet Escape -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches The HiT Squad SILVER PERKUTUT ARMY S-H-D Taka K.o.S -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr Death On The Battlefield ---No RemorSe--- -Elysium- Mini Mooncake SoLaR-EcLiPsE _RCA_ La Resistance OutlawZ Academy PoC Incoming ancient prestige FAITH Battleground Hells legion Rising Hawks -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches Great_Wall -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches -Platinum- -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches -DeVaSt4TioN- -EXODUS- -i-n-s-t-i-n-c-t- Udder Madness -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches Spy Dragon Warriors LOS-War-Piggies X Factor -> Good chance for a match, however all clans in your stat range had already matched, leaving only bad matches MINAS MORGUL ThE InSanE AsYLuM It Burns When I EE Spartans of The under world DWM OurClan OwwN NIGHT HAWK ALPHAMAN SCOTT MEMORIAL FIGHTERS Articles of Confederation Devils Reborn K.O.- WAR - P.E. Division 1 Rebellious Hearts Bloody Dragons Wars Mushroom Kingdom V U L T U R E S -> Poor hit ratio with clans in your stat range The_Outcasts Old School Kaw T-A-N-G-R-A -> Odd guild out
Thank you for keeping this unlocked admin I'm sure you've seen about people being locked out of their accts did to comp Facebook login problems, what are y'all planning for this?
Please do away with these 20 man roster's. Let us war as a clan and not against each other with these little roster's...
Just saying....hells legion got matched with -Elysium- and they are 8 ranks above us....how does that work out?
Would u kindly explain this explanation of all other clans had already been matched? Does this mean we were last ones to sign up? If so why do u match before sign up closed. It should not matter how early u sign up. Seems like there are so many of these every war.