season 3 week 3 war 5 "good roster match"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camerooney, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Why can't I post on the post by KaW? Is it because KaW has locked it for comments? Surely the community deserve to be able to comment?

    I'm not in war but could KaW please explain how it is a fair match for Furious and Sexy number 12 on list to be matched against K.o.S who are number 23 on list. That doesn't seem fair to me. If that is a "good match" I wouldn't like to see a bad one.
  2. Try Sotra # 7 against Elysium # 19  1 LB vs 4 LB 
  3. There must be quite a significant difference in overall relative strength between those two rosters. Would KaW share with us the comparative stats and how that could be considered to be the best match?
  4. so.
    whats the total combined stats of your clan and the other one?

    why do you assume that just because theres a big difference in rank, it means your off by plenty

    my guess; between you and them. your cs are just right around the money and the hit ratio was best between you two.

    good luck in your war, dont be inactive, damocles is watching all
  5. You might be right Panda. Perhaps KaW could share their thinking on that matchup. If the stats are close I'll apologise for the form post and go spend some money to make them feel better.
  6. Well done to K.o.S who managed to win despite the difference in rosters!

  7. i saw at first 10 minutes it was tied at 8.5 billion

    that seemed like a good start for a good match
  8. Panda. Similar strength doesn't always mean it's close.
  9. I cannot comment on the clans in question because I didn't check into it before/during war to see but keep in mind many of the more renown war clans intentionally remove some of their equipment in order to mis-match much weaker clans & get easy match ups.
  10. Surely that is a myth? Tell me that devs are not naive enough to allow unplugging equipment to influence match ups.
  11. It is very much so reality & not a myth. People do the most shameful things to win.
  12. Thx broken. Not so much shameful that people do it as shameful that the devs can be caught out by something so basic. No wonder there are so many threads complaining about match ups.
  13. Ty cam just saw ur post lol
  14. They were a lot bigger cs wise and bfa wise .. Just not towered

    Allie lb 111 had more bfa then all 20 cast here 
  15. Thanks cam but we use to devs hating us.. Oops sorry got watch that or no matches will hit us.. I'd like to know however how can we get 50 rancor if so many no matches hit us??
  16. Cant reply to kaw admin threads from "active topicd"
  17. Cant reply to kaw admin threads from "active topicd"
  18. lately our matches have been "adapt" and overcome, but the no matches are a bit rediculous this season too. Thnx for ur support cam
  19. Thanks burns but I went to wars ection where reply button appears but still couldn't reply. You'll notice that there are no comments on that post.

    No sign of kaw_admin or kaw_community to provide an explanation!