SEASON 3- WEEK 3, WAR 1.. thread conveniently locked 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *IlWAR_VALORlI (01), Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Ppl posted threads to show the exploits. Locked.. Mods says Send email, send an email they tell you to post forums. 


    Wow.. Look how broken the system has become. Gh/sh exploits have crippled the system because it wasn't corrected in season 1!
    Look how many no matches...

    Wasteland wilds vs royal reborn
    1 hitter each side, the rest statless alts, a clan created for no reason other then exploit ee wars( no bonuses no ebs etc)
    Both sides get mith, both win.
    And it shuts out REAL CLANS AND REAL PLAYERS!
    Lb/ps clans... Really? Exactly WHO is a real clan suppose to hit?

    It's obvious exploits.
    You have the data from season 1-2 to easily set minimum and maximum clan cs to enter a ee war, if a clan doesn't meet it , they don't get signed up! Set a max level of bfa to prevent lb stacking. All participants in exploits should have their mith stripped and clans banned. To discourage further exploits.
    It's now better to drop build to a beginner level then to waste the time and money to grow.
    Set the gh/ and SOS lv1 to plunder AS A BEGINNER build and it's no longer desirable to do it .
    Reward those who spend time and effort to grow!
    Nothing like spending 2yrs and thousands of dollars for nothing.
  2. Seems like we are all banging our heads against a brick wall in an attempt for devs to listen.
  3. 
  4. :lol: ^ THAT just made my day!
  5. You didn't have to spend that money ;)
  6. They been locking those threads lately... Im guessing devs butt hurt about their bad system 
  7. Support 
  8. God damn clown shoes...!¡!
    I guess they don't realize all jokes aren't funny.
  9. Fully support op.... Welcome to the growing community of paying customers upset with devs "lookin into it" and telling us "after this season we plan on making changes" lol
  10. I just about quit doing ee unless good friends ask me, I don't volunteer anymore, nor actively search for it. I won't till it improves or I grow too depressed over this build I put real cash into just to have it skipped over because it's a mid build. Y'all have fun tho. ️
  11. Oh, and my main point I forgot because I was on my soap box, FULL SUPPORT to OP
  12. I bet gets locked in 5.... Picture way too clear for DEV comfort

    TC; DL
    (too clear; dev lock)
  13. Good post!!

    I emailed dev and they ask me go to forum, and I only found the thread locked!!!

    FYI, D1 was matched with RH, which is 15 spots in between.... And they ask ppl to create roster similar to clan 1 or 2 space away.....
  14. Hey don't bother emailing devs. Here will be their response.

    "We appreciate your ideas, suggestions, and concerns, however we encourage you to be vocal and post your thoughts on the forums. We do send out updates at the beginning of each week and we ask for our players’ feedback on it. Development does monitor our forums for issues that affect our players and the features we release.

    We will continue to make improvements to our games, features, and other services. Thanks again for your feedback!"