Season 3 - Week 1: War 1

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Monday
    War #1
    PST - 12:00 PM
    EST - 3:00 PM
    GMT - 8:00 PM
    SGY - 4:00 AM
    Duration: 1 Hour
    Health Crystals: 1
    KO Type: Random
    KO Time: 7-13 Minutes
    Hit Restrictions: ON
    Roster Size: 25

    All clans that got no match are underlined in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them.

    The Vanished Paladin Update -> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=156013

    NOTE: War Crystals will not be available this Season. We will be updating the community with a new road map soon.

    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty
    Empire Rising
    Kreuzritter -> poor hit ratio with all other clans in your stat range.
    NIGHT'S WATCH of CASTLE BLACK -> poor hit ratio with all other clans in your stat range.
    The Sweet Escape -> poor hit ratio with all other clans in your stat range.
    S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr
    Chronos HQ
    DRAGONS SANCTUARY -> poor hit ratio with all other clans in your stat range.
    PoC Incoming
    Ghost Legion
    The Dark Corner
    KOTFE - Elements
    Spartans of The under world
    Wingless Angels
    Vikings in Pyjamas
    Rising Hawks
    ancient prestige
    Udder Madness
    DiViNuM FuRoReM
    -i-n-s-t-i-n-c-t- -> very close to matching you but all other clans within stat range were already matched.
    The Umbrella Corp.
    Ghost Squad
    Warriors of the Forgotten
    Division 1
    A Bridge too Far
    MINAS MORGUL -> potential matches but all other matches in your range paired up with each other leaving only bad matches left for your clan.
    THe OrDer OF LUso TeMPLArS -> very close to matching you but all other clans within stat range were already matched.
    Articles of Confederation
    Mushroom Kingdom
    Cerebus -> The bottom 3 clans could had such low hit ratios with all other clans, they could not even match each other. Please adjust you rosters to better match each other and other clans in your stat range.
    Tvp Recruiter
    -> odd man out
  2. LOL odd man out is Tvp Recruiter, I wonder if that name has something to do with the odd man out....
  3. Thanks for the update, I'm really glad you're doing this again.
  4. Week1 war1 status so far:
    Rosters of 15 sh(t) + 10 bigs
    Surprise surprise
  5. Tvp recruiter 'odd Mann out' GJ devs!

  6. So you went through every roster of every clan and checked?
  7. Devs what do we have to do to get a matchup? 

    We have all these bigs then we unequip to actually get a match and we are "odd man out"
  8. No but my roster is like that, and I also see many others with the same problem.
    Plus only build that was being recruited through wc was sh.
    Also my old war clan told me to tear down my build if I want to war with then.
    Also those clans I did go over, had mostly sh and bigs.
    So no,.I'm making assumptions which I assume aren't that much off xD
  9. Odd man out means you signed up last.
  10. Wait is this the actual season?
  11. Also; asking for a clan that got a matchup that are not mainly sh+bigs to wall me gets me 0 wallposts
  12. Point of no return? My curiosity bests me once again...
  13. Kofte elements dont have 15 bigs 10 gh lol
  14. Some grammatical errors under Cerebus - Kaw Admin.
  15. @Danny I just noticed that xD we aren't either. But enemy roster is 13 sh 12 bigs.. and your enemy roster is the same... lmao :p
  16. Sooo... Let me get this straight. SOTRA is 9 on your relative stength ranking list. DF is 28 on the list. They matched up? How exactly did that happen
  17. Ghost squad,, against sotuw,, we got screwed hard.. so much for S3 starting with good matchups..
  18. How the heck did we got matched with Spartans of the Underworld?! We are 34th and they are 20th!!
  19. Since Kaw is responding right now what about war xstals