Season 3 - extending by 1 week

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ClowQueen, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. I'm sure I'm gonna get slated for putting this crazy ideas out there, but sod it....
    Do people think it would be unreasonable if the developers extended the season by 1 week? The reason for this is to allow as many people to have the chance to reach 50 rancor. This would be compensation for the silly amount of no matches this season has had. If there wasn't this amount of no matches, I'm confident more people would have reached 50 rancor by now.

    So what do you think developers, what is the possibility of extending this season by 1 week for compensation of the amount of no matches we had all experienced?
  2. No, reason being a lot of us already have rancor 50 and not gonna war till end of season.. Rancor expires days later. Your proposition would jeopardize us all having tp risk losing a match and getting more no matches . So no, no support, 8 weeks with 16 wars each. You had 128 tries
  3. Alot of people had like 100 nm's
  4. Why do I get the feeling you aren't at 50 yet?
  5. Good point panda.
    I would be interested to see how many have reached 50 rancor this season compared to last season.
  6. If more people had level 50 rancor the equipment wouldnt be so exclusive.
  7. I'm at 50, and wouldn't mind letting others have a little longer
  8. I'd support for totally selfish reasons, but none that would be fair.
  9. For those already at 50 rancor, dev's could just extend that by one week including EE level. That would help those get more plunder on eb's for longer.
  10. I would support this but I just want EE to be done with. I can't wait to take all these towers down and no do EE for awhile
  11. No support
  12. No support plenty of time dispite no matches.
  13. No support
    Even a noob like me has 50.
  14. Fire... You are a noob playing for one of the seasons best war clans? Of course you got 50 but we all didn't.

    No support. All 3 seasons and I imagine EVERY season there will be this request. I myself just want this season to end.
  15. No support, end this crap season and move on with hopefully something better. Always a new set of equip, this one isn't any different
  16. Silly idea, 8 week season long enough. Ask the ppl organizing the wars for the clans warring and the war commanders. Lots of work
  17. I need a break too, damocles list is very time consuming. Cannot imagine what it was like for wcs everywhere.

    I just want the equip, the off season wars on weekends to refresh ee, and just grow
  18. No. Just get the pain over with.