Season 3 Equipment/Rewards

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Emperor_Penguin, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. My apologies if this is badly written. Pretty much my first forum post lol. Anyways

    I was wondering if the devs have released any info regarding the possible stats/benefits for the winners of Season 3 Wars. I understand that seasons 1 and 2 gave the winners a significant advantage over eb equip with regards to almost all stats, mainly offense. But do you think the new set of equip will cater to the same crowd, providing even more attack? This will enable people to get through towers easier. Or will it cater to defense, seeing as a lot of the recent wars I have watched are "turtle" wars?
  2. No I've been waiting for them to tell us.
  3. Devs always release a thread of upcoming season equipment b sure to check the news section of the forums often the most recent tends to b on top
  4. I posted a similar thread on here too, devs always had pictures and descriptions of the seasons equipments on here and I haven't seen or found any thread about them or showing the equipment at all...
  5. AT THE DEVS: please tell all of us season 3 players something so we don't think we are wasting our time to EE and be robbed from what was suppose to be promising....
  6. It was said that it's higher stats than S1/S2 equips
  7. It's on FAcebook and someone made a thread about it
  8. I did. Look at kaw discussion thread " here it is, season 3 equipment"
  9. Actually new eb equips dropped are defensive based hence offsetting red pal war equip
  10. You do realize that this was made in January, right?