Season 2 - Whiners vs. Winners Matchup System

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl_Epic_lIl, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. As the start of Season 2 Rancor Wars looms around around the corner, I realize there's no time to make any significant changes in the matchup system. However, I would like to mention something that I have been thinking about for the entirety of these so-called "trial wars". I've read the forums, I've warred some wars, I've read more forums, and warred more wars. Whether you are a whiner or a winner, something is clear - game players are not happy. So my idea is in hopes to make EVERYONE happy.
    Fact - there is something flawed in the war mechanics matching system.
    Fact - the whiners have a point in complaining.
    Fact - the winners have a point in telling them to shut up and convert.
    Whiners are tired of getting creamed in a match they never could have won given current mechanics. Winners are ecstatic because they found the loop-hole to winning almost every war they are in. They are both RIGHT. Based on the current mechanics, the whiners should be pissed because they don't want to change the builds they have worked hard for. The winners are completely right in that the only way to be good at this system (exploit it) is to drop build and become a GH. What's going to fix all of this?
    Let me ask a rhetorical question: What's the goal of the Rancor Wars? Gee, let me think…to gain Rancor levels so I can have the best equipment.
    Aside - bear with me I have a point - I have played team and individual sports all my life. I love competition. I live for competition. I think anyone who competes, whether a game, a job, a sport, the Olympics, etc. believes in the mentality of, "face me against the best, so I can beat the best." When have you ever heard anyone say, "I'm the best at what I do, I can beat anyone, so I want to face off against the weakest opponent possible." I've never heard this. No boxer, no Superbowl team, no MMA fighter, no world ranked chef, no Wall Street broker. I think you get my point. Competitive people live for competition. And in competition there is a prize.
    Bringing it back to Rancor Wars - Rancor equipment is the prize. Rancor levels are how you achieve said prize. Doesn't it then, make the most sense, to MATCH UP against opponents with a same/similar Rancor level?
    Follow me if you will: war roster CS, BFA, BFE should be secondary in the matching system. All matches should be based on war roster accumulated Rancor levels. Example: if you have a war roster of 29 and they all have 10 levels, that gives you 290 Rancor levels. They should match another war roster of 290 (give or take threshold) Rancor levels. If there are multiple clans that have a same/similar Rancor accumulation, then CS, BFA, BFE become the matching factor. How is it competitively fair to match a clan with Rancor of 290 against a clan with Rancor of 47?
    This will essentially cure all complaints by both Whiners and Winners and make the competition fair throughout the Wars. In every sport or competition out there, you pit the best against the best. Why should it be different here? Who really wants to see another clan "Noob's R Us" against "Rising Hawks", or clan "What's It Called" against "Perkutut Army", or better yet clan "I've Got Worms" against "Worms-Hog-Match". (I ended that sentence with a "." not a "?" because it was rhetorical)
    I'm a fan of EE. I want to see the best against the best, all the while letting some of the newer, not so organized, don't have towers or strategy clans have somewhat of a chance at keeping up with the system.
    All this being said, I also think it was a good call to eliminate the loss of EE levels for leaving a clan. But I do strongly feel that clan unity helps bring better war clans. If Rancor levels are what shows your machismo during this time, then it should be Rancor levels you lose for LEAVING a clan. I said leaving, not being kicked. And I propose a 51% decrease in Rancor levels for leaving a clan. This will definitely deter people from jumping ship over a few losses or some minor disagreements. It will deter Rancor leveled warrior going to other clans to spy or mole. It will deter creating new alts and new clans for wars.
    However, if you have Rancor levels, you should not be allowed to be KICKED from a clan. Instead, if owner wishes to KICK, they will get an error message that states, "This member has Rancor levels, are you sure you wish to release them?" Yes or No? Click YES and they can be released from your clan without the loss of Rancor levels. Basically what I'm getting at here is, Rancor Equipment/Levels are the prize, also make them the consequence.
    The only reason anyone would actively be against anything in this post is if you know you are exploiting the system and only really want to face "noob" clans to gain easy Rancor levels. But the thought of facing a clan on your level actually scares you. If this is the case, then in essence, you have become the true whiner, not the true winner.
  2. Don't you love staring at beautiful walls of text like this?
  3. Yes, I could have added a :D here and a :roll: there, but that's not my style. Besides you CHOSE to read it. I didn't MAKE you. Build a bridge. Get over it.
  4. Who said I read that garbage? 
  5. Your mom did ;)
  6. Ohhhhh so original...take you three days to come up with that?
  7. You're making my eye twitch.
  8. PRO TIP: White space helps.

    Not asking for flowers or smileys. But paragraph spacing is da bomb.

    I'm still not sure what your point is. Personally I don't think people are exploiting anything with EE. They've adapted to the game mechanics. I also don't think the problem is as bad as it sounds. The minority are typically the most vociferous so it seems like they are the majority. Those that are satisfied ... what reason do they have to post anything?

    I'm not saying there aren't problems. I just think it's a skewed issue.
  9. See even UPC agrees...make a better quality thread, and you will get a better response from the community.
  10. Great idea, I wonder why they haven't started boxing matches with World Champions lightweight against heavyweight yet?
  11. Thank you for your feedback UPC :)

    It's definitely a skewed issue, having both sides in essence be "right". All participants always have to adapt to the competition they chose to enter.

    However, as the competition gets closer to the finale, the participant skill levels also generally increase. There is no sense of that in these wars. A very skilled war clan can always manipulate the roster to face a very unskilled war clan, even towards the finale.

    Matching based on Rancor levels negates this issue. Good clans face good clans. No other way around it.

    Fruity, I wasn't aware that the "quality" of the thread had to do with the "aesthetics" of the thread. My bad. Piss water with a nice label still tastes like piss water, right?

    But I will adapt. Just like in the war mechanics. :cool:
  12. Good idea.
    Except, here's something i think you could add to this:

    Base stats Bfa = DTW DTS mechanics only in top 20% and lower 20% of war

    Instead of basing the whole of match ups on DTS DTW mechanics, only base it if you bottom of roster and top of roster can hit each other. That way you don't get LB stacked on teams and 100k stat noobs on the other

    Take bfe out of the equation. It is earned for a reason, not to be used against you.

    Here's the breakdown
    Base stats BFA = 65%
    Rancor Level = 10%
    DTS and DTW mech in 20%'s = 25%

  13. Love the idea but too late for season II
  14. @OP - yeah I see now what you're getting at. But it's a tough nut to crack without increasing the participation in these wars by at least an order of magnitude. Devs are trying to find that sweet spot; it's just hard to do with 50-70 different clans with a variety of builds, BFA, and BFE.

    Hopefully one day we will get there and look back on these days with bemusement. Kinda like when the old kaw farts look back on days when clans were built via a 3rd party app...
  15. Wall of text ._.