Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. **UPDATE**

    For Monday we are working on the following:

    - Schedule tweaks for players outside of North America
    - Tightening the range of CS especially on the high end
    - Hit Ratio factored into matchup less than CS
    - BFA weighted more heavily in matchup

    Currently, prestige ranking uses the Elo ranking System, which has lead to some confusion partly because of the way our system rounds to an integer. We plan to fix it also.

    Topic is locked for now. We'll post another update once we get some of the changes live in the game. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Apologies on the delay on the update. Also, thank you for playing our game. It means a lot to us that you care enough to come here and debate with each other to help us make the game better.


    We will be posting a recap of Week 1 once war 10 is over and we have some data to present.

    We will also spend time addressing clan concerns about matchups, clans throwing matches, and scheduling.

    Feel free to post your feedback here but priority will be given to clan admins and responses will not begin until later today after war 10 and after we've had time to post an analysis and recap of week 1.

    Keep posts on topic and positive if you would like a response.

  2. Use the old matching system 
  3. Some matches have been a little unfair...
  4. I'm an admin at la resistance. But I don't even want to waste my time anymore. We've been telling you for over 10 weeks what's wrong. And u want us to explain again?? I'm to tired of repeating myself...

  5. Hi devs, Eric_Northman here. Just saying you lot have done an awesome job with the EE system so far, keep up the good work
  6. Well everything that was needed to b changed was om boycott thread that you deleted. Why would community waste their time rewrite feedback again???
  7. Is imagine Matchups will get far better upon the release of war crystals, Matchups can't be very good without lots of signups. As far as clans throwing matches, you could make some sort of required performance in wars to get the vp eb when you lose.
  8. Please sort out some decent war times for UK and European players please devs.
  9. How dare you devs. You delete a thread then ask people to resubmit their feedback!!! How ******* dare you!!!!!

    Screw ee wars, you have ignored advice and ideas that have been around since the ******* start of season 1. What the heck are you playing at?
  10. Looking into this.

  11. Kaw not sure if your joking or being serious
  12. @KaW admin. When I click on that link it says I'm not authorised to view it. Stop playing around and actually listen to us.

    Sorry for being so rude, but many times have we all sent feedback, emails and made threads. Only for you to acknowledge us and then not take our ideas into consideration.
  13. I think kaw admin thinks posting a useless link is a joke....
  14. Lol, that thread is graveyarded is my guess, reason the link exists but we can't access it. That's embarassing.
  15. Kaw admin u taking the piss
  16. Thank you for your response admin. First and foremost, I want to express that we are trying to make the game better and not here to criticize you. Here are some of the concerns that those united in war 10 all agree on:

    The match making parameters have allowed for even more worse mismatches than season 1. Some of your implementations have been great and we applaud the effort but we need fixes to make it a more enjoyable experience for all. It's very discouraging to see many members who enjoyed estocs so much express desire to quit EE altogether because of mismatches. What we want is more participation but current match system is doing the direct opposite. Please tighten ur matching parameters.

    No matches are ok. Clans will adjust like season 1. Just make sure the matches are less lopsided then we have seen. 2 lb advantage is extremely hard to overcome. 3 becomes nearly impossible.

    Do I want to exclude lbs or guilds in EE? No. But creative ways of including them without hurting matches is what we want.

    GH plunder has been all over forums.. Maybe double every building's plunder in EE except guilds. Might encourage more to join EE while addressing guild plunder/payout.

    There's a lot more and hopefully others will raise their concerns. Ty for coming out and listening.
  17. probably yes kaw admin. Problem is that we cant even see it :/
  18. I'm just shooting from the hip here, but clans that throw EE just so they can get mith from the vanished paid EB seems pretty straight forward to me.

    Best solution:
    You can only earn as much mith from vanished palidins as you cast. Cast zero mith earn zero mith.

    Next best solution:
    Eliminate EB all together, as many need to sleep after war, due to scheduling and time zone issues.

    Simply let the losing clan keep the mith they have spent.
  19. @KaW_Admin

    If Im not mistaken isnt it a violation of the ToU or Roc to insight a riot? And isn't telling a mass of people to stop something until something is done about it a form of a riot?

    Thread isn't deleted Btw, just graveyarded
  20. VAL no match found owner /Worms.

    Why couldn't you have just matched by clan strength, with BFE and BFA factored in. In season 1 we never had any crazy mismatches. The only mismatch would have been BFE. Why not do that again but factor in equipment
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