Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 6 - War #9

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. War #9
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Friday - 12pm-12:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 3pm-3:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am

    SIgnups: 47
    No Match: 11

    All clans that got no match are in italics in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, someone pointed out that this doesn't give a good representation if it doesn't include BFE and BFA, so the list has been updated to reflect approximate BFA and BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. All clans that got a no match, were not matched due to weak hit ratios with other clans with the exception of New Age who was odd guild out. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them. No match clans in the list didn't match each other because the hit ratio between them (even though they would match based on strength) was too low.

    Guild name
    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty
    Furious and Sexy
    Chaos Reborn
    Kings Castle
    La Resistance
    N_C_U - Dominion
    Garden Of Eden
    MurDer War.
    oG Alliance
    Tgia ReBorn
    Wingless Angels
    Rising Hawks
    WAR Honour
    Spartans of The under world
    X Factor
    Pillars of Chaos
    DiViNuM FuRoReM
    Epic Elite
    Mutiara Pandawa
    World War Z
    Death Incarnate
    The Umbrella Corp.

    ancient prestige
    Vikings in Pyjamas
    Devils Reborn
    K A W
    The Great Merc Academy
    Kingdom Crasher
    New Age
  2. So the clan we are facing is ranked 6th while we are 20?? And also down two members
  3. Lol my clan matched rh - 27vs29. Rh is 33 lb and we are 153. Not to mention they have Allie lbers casted and we don't. Something is terribly wrong with ur match up algorithm devs....
  4. I dont understand why hit ratio is more important to match than strenght and we are organize according to the strongest clan???how about try strenght match???
  5. How did we get our match when they're 6th strongest and we're 22. Not mentioning we're down 2 people...
  6. Develamuppets I'm gonna be blunt here, you've made a complete ass of this round. Rh vs strikeforce I mean in all seriousness please give me some of what your smoking when doing match ups on the qt of course.... I promise I won't tell anyone 
  7. I clan .... i ask the world ..... odd guild out? ?? What the hek does that mean apparently nobody knows whats that are you talking about built?? Or the comb cs? Bfa? Bfe? Phd? Adhd? It sounds like everything isnt matchable...
  8. We've been telling you for 3 months now that hit ratio does not work. It has so many flaws and exploits allowed in it. We formed our roster just as the last 3 clans we faced. 8 gh but no lb where they had 2-3 and got a no match due to low hit ratio. What a joke. The season 1 matching was 100x better than this crap you continue to shove down our throats despite repeated feed back it doesn't work and countless miss matches that have made so many stop warring. I hate to say it but I'm about at that point myself. I feel my money's might be better spent elsewhere like Candy Crush lol. EE wars used to be fun till you insisted on making so many tweaks you can't enjoy a good war anymore. Happy kawing and thanks for ruining one of the few reasons I didn't quit this game over a year ago.
  9. @north if u don't know by now the devs are too stubborn to say sorry KaW, Season 1 alg was way superior and we will switch back, then u don't play enough lol. The devs tinker with things that don't need tinkering and ignore things that do. Egotistical or over intellectualized thinking has damaged season 2. Look at their stupid prestige system as case in point. They still likely don't understand that you can't use that system with different classes. That elo system is only meant to be used assuming everyone can fight everyone and everyone is equal strength like in chess.
  10. North, I use kaw as my RL escape. I use candy crush as my kaw escape 
  11. HIT RATIO DOES NOT PRODUCE GOOD MATCHES! Yes I am yelling at u Devs. Consistent bad matches Season 2. Maybe hit ratio at at 10-20% troops/spies, bfe is overstated
  12. We know you know that we know that the match up system is well you know B R O K E so well you know could you like you know FIX IT Please Getting fed up of total mis matches I e. Tgia reborn v -devast4tion-
  13. my clan got a no match in war 10i opted but i cant hit vanished eb everyone else can
  14. I'm sure everyone has noticed. But the devs could care less about what any of us think! They are no longer taking feedback for any wars they match, they lock all of there posts until the day after, and right now they are too worried about fangs! They know season 2 has gone down the toilet, and they are just waiting for it to go away! It's a damn shame too, I love to EE!