Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 6 - War #8

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. War #8
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Thursday - 5pm-5:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 8pm-8:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 12am-12:30am
    SGT - Friday - 8am-8:30am

    Signups: 53
    No Match:

    All clans that got no match are in italics in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. All clans that got a no match, were not matched due to weak hit ratios with other clans, with the exception of ZAFT and New Age. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them.


    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty -> too strong to match
    The HiT Squad
    N_C_U - Dominion
    Chaos Reborn
    La Resistance
    oG Alliance
    WAR Honour
    Death Incarnate
    War Nerve
    New Age -> All other clans in range found better matches, tried to match with ZAFT
    Wingless Angels
    Tgia ReBorn
    X Factor
    Spartans of The under world
    ThE InSanE AsYLuM
    MurDer War.
    Mutiara Pandawa
    Pillars of Chaos
    ancient prestige
    Chaos Theory
    World War Z
    Devils Reborn
    DiViNuM FuRoReM
    No Talent - No Future
    The Umbrella Corp.
    Rising Hawks
    K A W
    Epic Elite

    Mystical Misfits
    Murder Death Kill
    The Great Merc Academy
    Kingdom Crasher
    Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
  2. LOL, New Age almost got matched with ZAFT.

    Pump that iron guys 
  3. Devs. Can.we.get an explanation on the NCU-DOMINION vs -S26TR-. 3 Attk builds and.24 pure spy. We will fight anyone, and wont.back down but it makes no sense. I'm pretty sure.our bfe is higher honestly did not check but how do expect a.clan to win when almost no one on roster can successfully hit their only targets that can plunder and 24 spies that will just scout us to zero.
    Good luck to -S26TR-
  4. Hi all. I'm not used to post in forums, in fact I think this is my first post... and its only a question for you devs. Are we a bonus clan for big war clans or something like that? I mean, on war 6 we got matched against World War Z. I don't have the strenght data but they were bigger. Then, on war 7 we got matched against Wingless Angels. We managed to stay alive til the end but we found that they were #16 on clan strenght and we were #25. A bit unfair u may say, but it's fine. Now at war 8 we are facing -ART-OF-WAR-. Again, we thought that we were a bit outmatched until you posted relative clan strenght. A war between #26 (them) and #42 (us) is way unfair, don't you think?

    Thank you
  5. Why can't the bottom 8 clans just match each other?
  6. For you guys replying about bad matches. I've won wars with 50m cs difference between clans. Y'all just need to adjust your strategy, sko, and be quicker then everyone else.
  7. I'm inviting you to check both rosters. 74m CS difference and outmached bfe and bfa. We will try, as always do, but this is nonsense.
  8. Devs, what happened to the matchup system?? The Last two weeks things had gotten so much better. This week it seems we're back to the way things were at the start of the season. Give us a heads up next time you stop including bfa in the algorithm. :)

    Props and respect to FAITH, just wish we had met on equal grounds.
  9. Hi kaw_admin,

    can u pls explain how we got matched with FAITH?
    36 mil CS difference and 27 vs. 29
    This one was a big mismatch -.-
  10. Do we get fangs from EE?
  11. Check out the match between NCU and 26, the final result made me laugh. Looks like a new EE powerhouse clan is emerging.
  12. That such a small difference , big mismatch? LOL.

    Yes thats the reason you lost by 15b. Because of a puny 36m CS difference.
    Accept the loss , you win some you lose some. Get some better warrers you got peeps with not even 20 actions.
  13. Respect to faith but this matchup was a no win situation for us before war even started. Cant spend money on that. Total mismatch which really spoils the game.
  14. 36mil cs diffrence? You realise thats to your advantage right? Its not to big a gap that you guys cant hit and you also get a plunder advantage from hitting up instead of down. What you need to worry about is the bfa diffrence if there was a huge gap
  15. Could you please explain why clans next to each other on the strength list is not matching to each other? I've tried to be helpful and supportive of these estoc wars but your matches are driving tons of great experienced out completely. Your hit ratio matching is garbage, and all you have done is make Estocs into the Guild wars. I mean come on.. Of the clans that signed up for wars, how many had less than two gh on their rosters? How many had 6 or more? I will play out the rest of the season for my clan mates sake (the ones left that haven't quit due crap matches) but after this season I'm done... What was one of the most fun aspects of this game has become the biggest bust. Apparently all those promises to address things were just empty promises.

    Back to my question, why isn't the people next to each other in strength rating matching each other? Oh yeah.. Cuz ur algorithm is broke
  16. First off 36mil isn't that big of a difference, and secondly my war was bull! We couldn't plunder off their 3 Atk builds because we were smaller and then couldn't plunder off their pure spy because well any kawer knows why. So therefore we couldn't plunder. How did the 7th strongest clan get matched with second strongest anyway?
  17. -S26TR-

    I think devs should take a look at this clan. They did something VERY clever.

    Had there LB gain all the plunder and let there Pure Spy sit and assa . You can't plunder off a potless PURE SPY cmon.

    And you can't hit that LB Laoda or 0rio either.
  18. Not even sure they assn, I only had 3 inc, all 3 fail scouts, the pure spy also had no equip I'm pretty sure that was to soften the match
  19. Pacman, I hardly feel it's an exploit. It seems much more like a clan discovered the greatest possible strategy using simple build and game mechanics and is now perfectly executing it and in return receiving mithril.
  20. I'd say, prob my least enjoyable experience ever on KAW. Seriously, is this how you want the war system to progress? You have the tools to do better...why don't you ? 

    ... and I stayed up to 02:30 for this rubbish !!!