Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 5 - War #4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. War #4 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Thursday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Friday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 56
    No Match: 6

    Kingdom of Cimmeria and Death Incarnate we tried to match you with each other but the hit ratio was too low. Other clans of similar strength found better matches based on hit ratio.

    The clans below are all ranked in the lower 10 clans, meaning there are limited matches to begin with.

    Spartans of The under world -> only clan that could have matched with you based on hit ratio, got a better match based on score. We attempted to match you with llRllOllMllAllNllGllLllAllDllIllAllTllOllRllSll but the hit ratio was too low.

    llRllOllMllAllNllGllLllAllDllIllAllTllOllRllSll -> only clan that could have matched with you based on hit ratio, got a better match based on score. We attempted to match you with Spartans of The under world but the hit ratio was too low.

    The Great Merc Academy -> only clan that could have matched with you based on hit ratio, got a better match based on score. We attempted to match you with K A W but the hit ratio was too low.

    K A W -> only clan that could have matched with you based on hit ratio, got a better match based on score. We attempted to match you with The Great Merc Academy but the hit ratio was too low.

    Kingdom Crasher -> only clan that could match you had a better match.
    Ocean4 -> lowest rank based on strength. You roster is too weak to match with anyone.
  2. EPIC ELITE VS. EPIC ACADEMY? Wanna give us an explanation or was this just a joke for the Devs?
  3. :lol: ^

    I think it's ironic
  4. Dev's,

    We at Death Incarnate have been attempting many different variations and you continue to tell us good strength but bad hit ratio. if we add more bigs we go up and become to stronger and still have bad hit ratio,we go down in strength and add more smalls we become in the weak category and get bad hit match up.we add towers to increase smalls stats and still bad hit ratio. We have done everything in attempts to appease your matching system. we even atyempted to sign up over an hour before sign ups end and still no match up. Please message our clan owner with possible solutions on what other option we have to ensure we actually get match ups. we dont want mith we want rancor.

    Thank you,

    Storm out
  5. So you match WWZ with our smaller roster against SOTRA with there lb player and a huge bfa and CS difference? **** your match up system.
  6. Can you plz tell us in more detail what exactly you want to give us a match. We have changed our roster three times and this is causing me to lose members.
  7. Please respond devs this is killing my clans chances of 50 rancor and its really upsetting.
  8. Storm sorry didnt see your post thats perfect what you posted. Devs as the way you have things set up I have to start making our roster now and would really appreciate some feedback before I do thank you for your time.
  9. Mith payout system seems flawed. Larger players get low mith payout no matter how well they do. Smaller players get great mith payout if they perform; which is great... But why should larger players be penalized?
  10. Just wondering how we get RH 3 days in a row, with different rosters. What are we the chosen clan to fill RH mith supplies so they can upgrade new weapons before ASW? System is flawed. RH is great fighters, no disrespect , but come on. Look at BFE, BFA and CS.... Hello? A reply with a reason would be nice. Btw, thanks again RH for the war 
  11. Could you please let me know of all the clans signed up to war this week, how many of them had GH's (towered or not), and also the average # per war.
    I'm tired of this and frankly you've managed to ruin this once great fun system. 
  12. Yes please tell us how many ppl hansels have a majority guilds.

    Should we all be converting to guild hansel / towers.
  13. Most of players in EE are GH???
    That must be a coincidence, no real reason for that. Devs have fixed this problem.

    /end sarcasm
  14. wow most people in EE are guild hansels :/ sense when??? oh wait sense last season! why is it still news to you?? ppl keep converting to gh for a reason :/ wonder why !?!?!?
  15. The match between the two epic clans was bad from the beginning. Their top 10 was bigger than i was as no5 from the academy. Please explain this match up
  17. Devs since theres so many nmf, what about a rancor lvl eb +1 +2 for the accounts that want war but dont care about mith... eb based on amount of actions... maybe?
  18. people want rancor vs mith work with us here
  19. Hi devs ... I m from death incarnate... we have been having no match for the past 3 wars and I do not find your reasoning very sound regarding the hit ratio... when the match up is being done I see that the devs never even made an effort to find a match but immediately it jus shows no match leaving me to wonder if the system even calculated it properly or jus defaulted gave a no match ... Pls do something about this as we missing out alot of wars
  20. And........ still no response ive bought seals for 4 days straight we buy crystals for every war all I ask is let our ppl do ee or tell us what to change thank you.