Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 5 - War 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. War #2 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Tuesday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Tuesday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Wednesday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 58
    No Match: 8

    Kingdom of Cimmeria, Tgia ReBorn, and Mutiara Pandawa
    We could have matched you based on CS, BFA and BFE but the only clans with suitable hit ratio were outside of your strength range. For more potential matches please try to create less variance in your roster.

    Kingdom Crasher, The Umbrella Corp., Fianna Fail, and -Bad Ass Mercs-
    While you were the lowest ranked clans base on strength you still had good max hit ratios, meaning that at least one clan could have matched with your roster. Unfortunately those clans were either matched with another clan, or much stronger. Increase the strength of your roster and reduce the amount of variance in builds.

    You were the lowest ranked clan and had the worst hit ratio. Please increase the strenght of your roster and reduce variance in builds that are in your roster.
  2. I think there was a few glitches or something during this war. Some members mentioned some, and I experienced a troop glitch on regen. Any ideas? I have screenshots of the troop issue. 
  3. Well. Still confuse with your explanation. Cimmeria. Tgia. MP could match based on CS BFA BFE but end up with TVP? Could u give more detail clarification on this? Also mention less variant? Which variant u refer to? Sorry I just a noob who try to understand how u arrange for match up. Hope to get your reply soon. Thanks
  4. Oh come on, we didnt do that bad...lmao
  5. So what you're saying is...?
  6. Y isnt match up done after sign up clock done y is it based on how ealy u sign up y not just pool members after sign up theres 2 hrs plenty of time to match and prep, also devs match ups have been spot on great job on making ee fun keep up the good work and lookin foreword to next week
  7. Kaw admin, why must we strengthin our roster? Why cant everyone else just get on our level?
  8. You spelled strength wrong ;)
  9. Our clan isn't listed on this ……? There's a bug
  10. Ocean4 is clearly the best clan there.
  11. @Fishysniper. Y u no use any puctuation???
  12. Please check our war 3 DEVS
  13. Looking into it.
  14. Did you find the solution?
  15. We signed up :45 minutes before lock result no match, war 3 signed up 1:15 before lock result no match so sign up time not helping
  16. Can u check are war 3? Enemy much bigger
  17. Kaw_admin, look our clan, it's soooo unfair! And if you were in world chat…
  18. Hey guys what happend to worms?