Season 2 of Rancor Wars: WEEK 5 - War 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. War #1 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Monday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Monday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Tuesday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 58
    No Match: 10

    Kingdom Crasher
    You were the lowest ranked clans based on strength. But you had hit ratios that were too low to even match each other. Have a look at roster of Epic Elite and UnBeKnowN, THE FINAL WAR and MINAS MORGUL. Attempt to create a roster with less variance and bring up your strength.

    Fianna Fail you actually had a good hit ratio (average and Max) but were one of the weaker clans to sign up. Keep up what you are doing and you'll likely get a match next war.

    World War Z and DiViNuM FuRoReM you both had low average hit ratios. We attempted to match you with each other but the hit ratio was too low.

    X Factor and llRllOllMllAllNllGllLllAllDllIllAllTllOllRllSll -> same situation as above.

    Death Incarnate you had a low average hit ratio and your max hit ratio (best match) was still not good enough. You strength is in a good range but try to create less variance in the roster you sign up.

    V I E T N A M there was only one possible match for you base on hit ratio and the strength difference was too great. We attempted to match you with Death Incarnate but the hit ratio was too low and the strength difference too high. You strength ranking puts you in range of most clans but low hit ratio (meaning your roster has too much variance) is resulting in no match.
  2. Uh kaw admin, try looking at the name of the first no match clan before you give them advice on how they should build their roster lol. Some peeps just want 10 mith.