Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 3 - War #3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. War #3 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Wednesday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Wednesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Thursday - 10am-10:30am

    SIgnups: 53
    No Match: 13

    No Matches due to low average hit ratio with other clans:
    No Match Found
    Division 1
    Kingdom Crasher
    Pillars of Chaos
    Fianna Fail
    The Umbrella Corp.
    WAR Honour
    To increase a chance at a match, attempt to find roster members closer in strength.

    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty -> Your roster was too strong to match against any other clan.

    Please note the war is still on. Anyone that very briefly saw a message saying it wasn't, please disregard.
  2. None of those 13 could match eachother… really???
  3. Really. That is what happens when clans have a wide range of build sizes. Our bigs can't hit your smalls and vice versa, so we cannot match due to low hit ratio.
  4. There will be an increasing number of no matches as clans adjust their roster to the optimal 'dumbell' shape. Eventually there will be no wars as the hit ratio will tend to 50% max.
    This is a necessary consequence of the algorithm where the optimal strategy leads to a zero sum game.
  5. Wow no complaints about blow outs? Debate must be doing something right...way to go devs!
  6. Finally Dev got the loop hole. Seal it tight. Freeze those who play with system. Gud job Dev.
  7. What was the bfa/bfe difference between battlegrounds and furious and sexy? hard to believe we were a close match.
  8. Looking good Devs. In hope whatever you've done works long-term
  9. 13 less clans warring now, this will be pretty much whatever happens every war.

    This is because of the recent BFA/BFE/CS changes. I don't understand why the devs bother tighten the system so much, that there is only a set structure a clan can have.

    That's not War, that's just a completely set up event, in which two clans push the attack and spy button against each other.

    Rancor wars have become a joke, it is so hard to do, I can have way more in BFA then I could have in stupid equipment, that is no fun to earn...

  10. @whip: it is a positive sum game, or else nobody would pay xtals.
    Also, if you assume that less balanced rosters are preferred to balanced rosters, then clans will continue to adjust until they reach a Nash Equilibrium. At equilibrium each clan will war with a roster sufficiently balanced to be capable of matching another identical clan, but sufficiently unbalanced to avoid matching any clan less balanced.
  11. Like the tweaks devs! Good job 