Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #8

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. War #8 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Saturday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 60
    No Match: 12

    Rising Hawks
    Guild Strength Rank: 16
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 76
    Mean Hit Ratio: 66

    Guild Strength Rank: 45
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 77%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 65%

    No Match Found
    Guild Strength Rank: 52
    Size: 27
    Max Hit Ratio: 80%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 61%

    Guild Strength Rank: 26
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 71%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 63%

    Guild Strength Rank: 60
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 56%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 50%

    Guild Strength Rank: 58
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 68%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 62%

    Kingdom Crasher
    Guild Strength Rank: 59
    Size: 26
    Max Hit Ratio: 73%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 64%

    Guild Strength Rank: 54
    Size: 26
    Max Hit Ratio: 76%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 63%

    Guild Strength Rank: 11
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 76%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 65%

    Guild Strength Rank: 56
    Size: 28
    Max Hit Ratio: 71%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 65%

    PoC Incoming
    Guild Strength Rank: 37
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 75%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 65%

    World War Z
    Guild Strength Rank: 51
    Size: 27
    Max Hit Ratio: 79%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 64%
  2. Stop planning future wars and respond to some comments about war 7 
  3. Devs-

    Quick question regarding impact of BFE on matchups... Why is it factored as high as it seemingly is? We have seen when we wear the rancor and paladin equipment we our outmatched on clan CS by far more than the equipment difference should account for.

    Why should clans and players continue to support Estoc Wars when their rewards are not worthwhile to use while doing Estoc? It appears, from our perspective, to be more beneficial to wear eb equipment to war with (more defense, less overall CS added) than use the equipment given to us as a reward/compensation.

    Any comment? Is this something that you've been monitoring? Plan to continue adjustment? Any guidance would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance.
  4. Nobody is talking on this one lol my first time being on the first page HI EVERYONE HIRE ME lol
  5. Hopefully bfe and bfa count for much more than cs cause its static and cs is not (exept towers).
  6. -Exodus- has had 3 no matches in a row. We have been unable to participate in a EE war since the clan was created. Different roster builds each time. We would appreciate some additional information to help us understand how to participate in Season 2 of the Rancor Wars. This is beyond disappointing.
  7. Would like to know why World War Z go a no match. We had about the same roster as we usually have and other than war 7 we have always had a match? Please let us know what we need to do to get wars again.
  8. I need an answer right away! or your just trollin match up :roll:
  9. Hmmm, have yall altered algorithm or something without informing the community? Another no match for PA? As well as RH? If you have altered match up process it's completely unfair to do it in the middle of season 2. All alterations should be in hold till after season. That's what the test wars were for, for clans to take time to prepare, get builds sorted for the final set up of the season. If its just a coincidence then my apologise but can we please have details for both wars 7 and 8 no matches?
  10. It appears several clans that include GHs have had no matches.
    Devs, if we aren't allowed to war with GHs anymore and get a match just tell us. That's one way to "fix" GHs.....
  11. We didn't change anything.
  12. They will adjust algorithm slightly for next week (they've announced as much).

    More no matches likely due to poor hit ratios (more clans going with lots of lows and high high's (so not many "mids" that both can hit)).

    Regarding devastation to chaos - we had a match yesterday where 7 GH had one target (so effectively 22 v 28). We pulled it out in the last seconds. I think we matched Chaos last week (or week before last)) where we had two GH who had zero targets. It happens.

    I'm still a believer in having algorithm match "like build" clans instead of producing a no match. Hopefully the reduction of emphasis on hit ratio starting next week will accomplish that (i.e 12 bigs + 5 mids + 12 GH would match against a similarly built clan that would otherwise produce a hit ratio in the 60's).

    Devs (still have that question regarding the overvaluation ofBFE in the matchmaking algorithm (see post #3)).
  13. To all guild hansels. If you have 23-25big builds and 4-6 GH you will sometimes get a clan that you cant hit most.
  14. @Kaw_Admin i need an explanation why i have 0' target? Against Chaos ReBorn. I need an answer now! :cry:
  15. Devs why is it that I can only hit 1 out of 29 in this match (taka v HS)? I think 2 others as well. Theres no point really in warring if this kind of stuff happens often.
  16. May I ask that you define these or point me to where the definition is? I clearly don't understand them and no one in my clan does either. Thank you for your time.

    Guild Strength Rank:
    Size: (# of players, I get this one)
    Max Hit Ratio:
    Mean Hit Ratio:
  17. You can hit 1? and i have hit completely " 0 "
  18. @ Ron & remixsami

    Read my post above yours - it happens. Your clans still have an acceptable hit ratio if there are only one or two of you that cannot hit. It happens. Stinks to be you, but your change can hopefully overcome. I am by no means a Dev apologist, just stating facts. I'm surprised you haven't seen it before because we see it ask of the time.
  19. Here's a thought have rh and perk army match. Have their mostly casted rosters of gh go at it 
  20. Guild strength rank refers to the clan's strength rank, right?