Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. War #6 - War Start Time Shown
    *NOTE* Signup time will begin 3pm PDT due to the war start times of War #5
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Saturday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 56
    No Match: 6

    Clan Strength Rank: 51
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.80
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.61

    Clan Strength Rank: 52
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.75
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.59

    Kingdom Crasher
    Clan Strength Rank: 56
    Size: 27
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.71
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.60

    Clan Strength Rank: 54
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.68
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.61

    Clan Strength Rank: 55
    Size: 28
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.62
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.56

    Warriors Of War
    Clan Strength Rank: 53
    Size: 26
    Max Hit Ratio: 0.71
    Mean Hit Ratio: 0.62
  2. No explanation to us?
  3. Never mind 
  4. Please deal with the guild hansel situation. its getting out of control with the match ups.

    A few top LB players who can draw a bigger clan in match up who cant hit GH, or can for very little plunder makes it pretty lopsided
  5. Devs please explain how FAITH vs Nightwatch is possible. I AGAIN challenge you to justify how this type of match falls into logical or even "acceptable" range. Heard nothing from you on how our match against Zodiac was possible. Heard nothing from you on the recap thread, which I think is very shady it has all of a sudden disappeared. I only wish you understood how your matching system worked with the same proficiency you have displayed in avoiding/ignoring the issues which we the players feel are driving it's disfunction.
  6. WoW & Ocean4 could've matched,your dub matchups,and instinct could've matched us too...but mad about the Ocean4 no match,you just mad that we get mithril,arent ya? xD MM could've matched Exodus,you didn't let that happen, you say youre tryig but you aren't :oops:
  7. Kingdom Crasher & woW could've matchedb :( ,closest match...You guys should be fired :lol: :lol:


    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  8. Fine. But I'm not making a habit of explaining individual matchups.

    You are ranked 8 and 9 for build strength.
    You had a 90% hit ratio with each other.
    Your CS and BFE are very close. Your BFAs are farther apart but because all of your other stats are so close the algorithm decided the match was a good one.
  9. [​IMG]
  10. Alas, kaw_admin, saying you're not gonna make a habit of explaining is all well and good.

    But you might have opened Pandora's girdle with that one.

    Mad props for listening to the community, spinning up new content, dealing with our incessant whining, and mostly picking moderators that are decent human beings.

    Now where's the last Jorathe the Silver eb? ;)
  11. oh man. I sincerely wish I could spend time and break down each war matchup but it would simply take too much time.

    Jorathe EB, as posted in the timeline update will be out either late next week or early the week after, depending on how the other schedule releases (in said post) go.
  12. Why thank you. :D
  13. You are welcome, always happy to engage with a civil human being.
  14. Glad to see match ups continue to be a joke
  15. So that's how you guys give Zodiac their matches. I think you found where the tweak needs to be.
  16. I've been very happy with the matching we have received so far at sotra this season, but this war seems very one sided. I think you owe Chaos Theory an explanation or an apology for matching them with us.
  17. The lowest ranks look to have had huge gaps in cs which accounted for both low hit ratios and big overall cs difference for the ones they were matched with.
  18. Unfair match. Half our players can't hit the opposite team. You really need to look in to this.
  19. Worst match up ive had since preseason started. 3 top LB players and rest GH... the top 3 are huge so they draw a bigger clan that cant get any plunder off the LB players because of their BFA, and a measly 2m a hit off the GH, or none at all because they are DTW. Meanwhile they can all hit us for huge plunder.

    How is that remotely fair??? There was no chance to win in that war.