Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. War #4 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Thursday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Friday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 53
    No Match: 9

    No Matches here is some data about your clans. Strength rank is only amongst clans that signed up and is based on the builds of clans in your roster.

    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty
    Strength Rank: 1
    Clan size: 29
    Max hit ratio: 0.97
    Mean hit ratio: 0.74

    Strength Rank: 3
    Clan Size: 29
    Max hit ratio: 0.73
    Mean hit ratio: 0.66

    No Match Found
    Strength Rank: 49
    Clan Size: 27
    Max hit ratio: 0.78
    Mean hit ratio: 0.63

    War Horse
    Strength Rank: 38
    Clan Size: 28
    Max hit ratio: 0.72
    Mean hit ratio:0.67

    PoC Incoming
    Strength Rank: 40
    Clan Size: 29
    Max hit ratio: 0.77
    Mean hit ratio:0.65

    Strength Rank: 48
    Clan Size: 29
    Max hit ratio: 0.75
    Mean hit ratio:0.67

    Strength Rank: 41
    Clan Size: 29
    Max hit ratio: 0.77
    Mean hit ratio: 0.64

    The Umbrella Corp.
    Strength Rank: 45
    Clan Size: 28
    Max hit ratio: 0.74
    Mean hit ratio: 0.64
  2. Two biggest issues which need resolution:

    -Neutralize guild hansel imbalance
    -Xstal counter/tracker or war only xstals
  3. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Rol....let me translate.

    'Thanks for the feedback!' Means...

    'We, the devs collectively, have read your feedback and will disregard anything you have to say that is logical in any way, shape or form. If you would like to be taken seriously and actually get a response that directly answers your question--or God forbid an ACTIONABLE REPONSE--your post must be wholly illogical, irrational, And counterproductive to everyone except an elite few. Now be a good boy and keep buying those nobs and xstals'.
  5. Dem wurds yous r sayin r too dam big boi, I can't not git it in ma head box
  6. The devs are well aware of the issues. Thing is sadly for us altering a game like this across multiple devices takes time. And let's face it we all get mad because we want our candy now. So in my moment of lucidity I will say thanks for the work you are doing in the background.

    Please note I still reserve the right to caps rage all over your thread if I get matched against a GHIBELLINE Stacker clan tonight xD
  7. 4 no matches in a row is there any clans warring anymore lol we have met every request made to get matched yet here we are again I guess all stars wont consist of the best clans but more of a straw pull we have a great team and will win any war (in our range) but if no matches continue like this we stand no chance to prove ourselves please fix the hit ratio theres gotta be some teams that we can compete with
  8. Can't wait for war Xtals so I can war xD
  9. A GH can hit anyone within their hit range (2m 2m 500k 1m perferrably) if they have even 1 coe,do not make this go on devs,blame this on yourself! also a ght makes them able to hit more people with their towers,so its more like (154k 154k 500k 2m) to a 3m 3m 500k 2m build..this is your own fault,otherwise get some GH already,god,stop complaining,war xstals needed,remimburse them for a week,thatll make people happy :D

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  10. Pls give reason This time for No Match..
  11. *speaking into the vast abyss*

    Dear Devs,

    Please be transparent with us all. It's about time I think. Instead of posting results of matchups, post please the stats that you factored and the results of the combined 'inputs' that give you the 'output' of war matches. This way we can see what it is that makes you think it's a 'good' matchup.

    Then we can show you the error of your ways
  12. Poor FOREVER ONE :(
  13. Lol oli. Yes but it makes perfect sense to devs.

    Seriously for the love of all that is good and decent...INCREASE rewards for exponentially...when you do this you will have much higher participation and necessarily Far FEWER bad matchups...assuming of course you address the matchup algo.
  14. Devs we have had 4 no matches in a row. you told us we had too big a gap between our best and worse so we stopped this and didnt let guild hansels war but still no match. Serious explination required for next war please. Not happy
  15. We trying to be as transparent as we can. There is definitely room for improvement though.
  16. Devs devs devs. When u gonna bother to sort out the issue of lag. 25-30secs lag is ridiculous. Sort it out for crying out loud
  17. Good information posted devs.

    Question, why couldn't a match between no match found and TUC be made? Clan strength 5 away? Just out of curiosity.

    Again, I'm a firm believer in NO MATCH is better than a mismatch (either way)
  18. Hat and Roland - Be nice to the monkey or else I'll spank you! (Or withhold the spanks if you like them...)
  19. Not enough people would have been able to hit each other.