Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. War #2 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Tuesday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Tuesday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Wednesday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 56
    No Matches: 6

    V I E T N A M and DiViNuM FuRoReM, while you had a strength that would have matched with many other clans, your clan composition created bad hit ratios with most other clans, resulting in not match.

    The Umbrella Corp., MINAS MORGUL, PoC Incoming , and War Horse you all had low strength scores and low hit ratio with every other clan. Try to find a roster composition with less variance for a better chance of match up.
  2. Oook so now change in the war
  3. Second no match in a row. What are you doing?
  4. Could we get a better explanation of why we were not matched? We have had similar rosters before and had no problems. Please provide a detailed response. Thanks.
  5. No match should give 1 rancor admin, do that please. Thats 4 rancor we couldve earned plus mith
  6. Clan name: MINAS MORGUL

    Actually we even beefed up according to your reason for our no match last time. A detailed response would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  7. We have warred with all the clans you mentioned with low cs! Why can't we war with them?! It doesn't make sense, kaw_admin.
  8. No match = No Rancor

    1.) TVP EB is compensating enough (free 10-20 free mithiril)
    2.) No matches are easily able to obtain with new system. Just have large stat differenciation and BFE mismatch and low clan sign-ups.

    No just No
  9. Gorilla, when you have rancor, edge or bfe, speak up then. Or simply post with your main. GOD!
  10. ( -,-) Not even gunna say it…
  11. Dear devs: Please explain in detail how our roster composition created a bad hit ratio so we can avoid this in the future. Thanks!
  12. Clan: The Umbrella Corp.

    i know we might be having a low cs because of the ghs but i it would really help if you could give us details about how much we were.lagging in cs from the clan with lowest cs and got could get us rid of this no match thing even i dont think devs like alot of no matchs :)...

    also i totally agree to giving 1 rancor level to the warriors who get no match...most of us take of time specially for war for reaching the goal ie getting lvl 50 rancor..i know that the vanished paladins is offered but i would rather prefer a level of rancor then to get free season 2 we're not warring for miths but for rancor levels..tvp can rather be offered to those who have lost the war to meet their mith requirements for the next war...

    i do not mean to offend anyone who has posted anything opposite to wat i said...its just a suggestion from my point of view..hope you look into this and consider this post :)
  13. Totally agree with last post by umbrella clan
  14. @kaw_Admin here is a thought why don't you match the low cs clans with low cs clans
  15. One rancor level awarded for no match is a great idea and reasonable.
  16. Clan name : young money millitia

    Y we vs PA give an explain how you did tat, PA should vs Sites or RH ?? Bad match up!!!!
  17. No matches are good - no matches SHOULD NOT give rancor.

    If you want rancor, adjust your clan war build. Devs gave some advice up there on what to do. Want more info, have your clan leader post here. Kaw_admin claims they read; they'll respond (some way or some how).

    Regardless, rancor is for winning. If you have low cs or hit ratio, you won't get a match. Decrease your top and increase your bottom (I.e. make a middle). Oh wait, that was your gimmick! Lol.
  18. @pandageorge, gorilla from the first page is right with his facts. I have to agree with his post.
  19. Ok Devs, just make us a new eb, have it drop between 39-50 Rancor. Don't make it too hard or too long, we wouldn't want to put anyone out.

    This way we just get our loot, no one has to game the system or spend hours trying to figure out the next big exploit.