Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #10

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. War #10 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Maximum 26, Meanimum 29
    PDT - Sunday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Monday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 62
    No Match: 6

    Strength rank is a rough estimate of a clan build strength, excluding BFA and BFE. Mean hit ratio is the best hit ratio a clan could have had with the best match. Mean hit ratio is the average hit ratio when against every clan that signed up. Low hit ratios mean that your clan has too much variance in the roster compared to other other clans. We look for a hit ratio above 75%. Even if the clan has a match there is the potential for 99% of people to be able to hit each other and one person to be far outside of the range of either roster and not be able to hit.

    Rising Hawks
    Strength Rank: 15
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 82%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 69%

    Strength Rank: 62
    Size: 26
    Max Hit Ratio: 77%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 62%

    Strength Rank: 61
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 71%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 65%

    Kingdom Crasher
    Strength Rank: 52
    Size: 28
    Max Hit Ratio: 72%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 67%

    Holy Vengeance
    Strength Rank: 8
    Size: 29
    Max Hit Ratio: 75%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 63%

    Strength Rank: 50
    Size: 26
    Max Hit Ratio: 75%
    Mean Hit Ratio: 63%
  2. any update on when compensation is coming for casting and not being in war?
  3. Any update on the war 5 server issues too?

    Thanks for all you are doing, kaw_admin!! I know we get pretty whiny (me included) but it's because of our passion for KaW and EE.


    P.S. I forgot to thank you before for creating a whole EB series about me  so thank you!!
  4. I'm strongly against complaining over matchups and have not so far... but seriously? We watched V I E T N A M, who is a great clan, but they have 2 players in the Top 100 Ally LB and overall, 1 in Top 25 of both, and 13 GH. How is this matchup even possible?
  5. Can you please explain why MINAS ITHIL got a no match? Would like to change what is needed and get back in it tomorrow. Thanks.
  6. Kaw admin I have a question that might help clear things up a little ... Wat is the average hit ratio for clans that are constantly matched ...

    ie k.o.s , kings castle , battlegrounds clans like that no specifics I know u don't like that but just an average figure for those type clans hit ratio top and mean
  7. No wonder all these clans with gh and lb accs settups have a hard time getting matchup. Way to go prevent them from exploiting rosters
  8. Wow. P A G A N S vs NoMatchFound how was that gonna be anything but a slaughter.
  9. Our clan's war rating has not changed in the past two wars. Basically been stuck on 996 :lol:
  10. Devs, week after week of bad matches have led me to one conclusion: you guys don't care. That's fine, after all, it's your app and business. But, it's my choice to play or not. You give me no choice since the game has lost its fun. This is feedback from someone who did countless number of ee's and spent money on this game.
  11. Anonymous-

    That is due to ELO system. Beating clans with lower rank will have a hard time of raising your own rank (I believe due to some rounding issues inside or prestige?).
  12. I dont think anyone from KotFE or Dragons Sanctuary would agree to that being a good match-up , again a 7 GH VS 2 smaller non GH account at bottom of roster , lb player at the top , hit for hit ratio, im in top 10 of our roster and was losing again #39 in their roster
    Something isnt right in your match-ups, we can take a beating but not to lose in some strange messed up match- please sort it out lol
  13. I'd much rather have a no match than the crap my clan had to go thru in today's war.... terrible. Nothing against our opponent because they've set up their roster how they want it. But, they had 2 Top 100 Ally and overall LBers w/13 GH...don't see how we could possibly be matched up with them...

    Great fight by V I E T N A M, very good EE clan. They are a tough match for anyone. Much respect ️
  14. After the crystals I bought run out I think I'll abstain from buying more. Kinda ridiculous what u guys do. It's like you act first and think about the result afterwards. How long u think community will tolerate this?
  15. Why can we not just hit wave and you put people into clans silimar to All Star Wars? Lb vs lb. middle vs middle. Gh vs gh. That would seem like pretty good matches to me.
  16. Hello kaw_admin how am I to do a week 3 war list if idk what times wars are? Can u please get me this enough ASAP TY
  17. Kaw admin, we won war #10 few hrs ago but our rank still same 1003. Is it right? Im from V i e t n a m clan.
  18. I see you talking about excluding bfe and bfa when you match clans, but how the hell do you exclude those stats when you talk about hit ratio - my hitting successfully involves my cs, bfa and bfe and theirs as well.

    If your gonna exclude bfa and bfe stats when you match...then exclude them in war. But if you are gonna to include them in war then they should be a factor in matches also. Please be sensible and consistent!
  19. I see only one solution that could possibly stamp out all the butt hurt tears that pour down upon these match up threads.

    It would only open up a whole new pandoras box of issues tho...smh

    Ok here r the issues.

    About 40-60% of E.E participants cry for fairer matchups. Thats about 600 ppl on any given day.

    The problem is not the game mechanics but the perception of the game.

    Is E.E a war?

    Or is E.E a sport?

    All is fair in love and War, but there are rules and regulations to abide by in sporting events.

    So whats my solution?

    Keep true war alive through anything goes o.s.w.,but add more roster regulations to E.E.

    For example, completely nullify b.f.e and b.f.a durring E.E. also make so only seven members below 2m cs can be on war roster, only 15 members between 2m and 14m cs can be on war roster, and only seven members above 14m cs can be on war roster, make so you have to have atleast 25 to 29 participants and only schedule weekend wars.

    The pros to this are very similiar builds amongst participating clans, and less rematches.

    The cons are the massive ammount of complaints that shall pour in about such strict roster requirements, on top of ppl begging for more wartimes.

    Another issue is the prestige system.

    I think all prestige butthurt could be cured by only giving prestige to clans who have fought durring that season.

    No clan that doesnt even have an E.E history should have over ten more prestige then a clan who has been warring for over a season and a half, thats common sense.

    I will post this same post on all future KaW_Admin threads until i get a direct response from O.P.

    X out, peace.
  20. Your solution sounds ok but it does sound overly strict.

    I also suggested a bfa cap bfa stat stat lock at the moment of match until war is over to prevent exploit. But I think bfa and bfe should be in war but they must be considered when matches are made.