Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. War #1 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Monday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Monday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Tuesday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 52
    No Match: 4

    MINAS MORGUL, The Umbrella Corp., We're Not That Wasted and LORD TODA-HIROMATSUS REALM we attempted to match you with clans of similar strength and size but because you are on the low end of combined stats, bonus from allies and bonus from equipment we were not able to find a good matchup. Increase the number of players with high CS for better chance of matchup.
  2. Minas morgul and the umbrella corps. Rosters look bery similar hmmm
  3. Kaw admin, was there a change in the algorithm matchup you use in week 1, or is this just a luck of the draw for the no matches?
  4. What the hell was the thinking in matching rising hawks with -art-of-war-? Our top person can't even successfully attack or even scout their top 4.....ever. Your matchups keep getting worse and I'm actually debating on whether to keep playing at all anymore as EE war is the only thing(outside of some of my friends) keeping me playing this overly flawed, messed up game. This match should never happen and you freaking know it! Other matches, I can live with. But we have quite a few people here who know what the hell we are doing and still end up bending over for ATA more than once or twice a week. You'll get no xtal money from me tonight. That's a fact!
  5. I support Daed's post. How can you even think that this match up is fair? I mean really lol please go back to the old system. I'm a firm believer that if it's not broke then don't fix it cause all your doing is pushing dedicated KaW'rs away from the game....
  6. Strength lb 171(AoW) vs 34(RH), so devs u think that's an even match up, quit tweaking ur really ******* it up
  7. Great I'm 10mil and get KO by a 22mil LB player devs really glad your DTW, DTS is in play or what would we do? But RH for the record I guess Devs will allow you to game the system!! Oh wait no they just match small clans against you to beat up and get easy mith, shame on you and shame on the devs.
  8. RH vs AOW

    bad matchup,explanation needed
  9. guys, its easy to see that the devs dont care lol. They started out a couple of people wanting to create a fun game, but lost sight of that when $$$ came rolling in. Everything they add to the game now comes at a cost,and that will be the demise of this once great game. The friends we make are the only reason many of us still play.
  10. Yup RH vs AoW, so bad... This was definitely my worst experience with ee matching system. If this is an example of what devs think of as an improvement fron season one maybe by season 3 they will get it down  hopefully
  11. This matching is a ******* joke. How the hell do u think it a fair match between zaft and risk? I know u will never answer the question. Then u would be acknowledging your matching system is a piece of ****. Thanks for all of risk for fighting hard. And to my many friends and zaft great job whopping my ass today
  12. Devs, look at my match.

    Explain to me how the hell this happened! I have participated in 3 EE Wars, and i will never do it again. I have been beaten by 15-20bil in every one!

    Yes, i realize we have inactives. But, look at the ******* cs difference. I can't hit 3/4 of their War Roster. Their #3 WR is bigger than our #1.

    Absolutely ludacris.
  13. Thanks for the shocking match up dev you better improve this ee system
  14. How the**** i cqnt stand before war not knowing i can hit them and they look my size make everyone hittable
  15. I thought the experimenting thing has come to am end but apparently not. RH not sure what your game is but for sure you play in another league for us to even have to find out. Huge tops, maxed out on bfe/bfa, really not sure how this match up happened. Take this into consideration: a no match is better than an outrageous difference.
  16. Plz tell me how system works cause seriously devs im not seeing it. Week2-war1 -Art-of-War- vs Rising Hawks. First 10min 20b RH - 3,8b AoW after 2hrs of war 98b to 9,8b WOW. im loving it. Literally ridiculous. Our #1 atk was size of their #29 (29 was the smallest target then straight to ght) plus 11 non towered gh and 7 towered. Now can u please tell me y this match up came to be. We have less bfa then #1 has in total. Let alone they had lb players. Im no techi in calculations Id just like to know y??????? Ty
  17. What a joke these match ups are now. Beat up by way bigger clans vs smaller clans. These wars Suck now and everyone stop giving up ur money to this bs. If the money stops i bet they'll wanna fix this right away or make a real change with these wars. Funny how some top clans get cake matches.
  18. Packrixh1 oh su im perm silenced and i was always thought to pre hit before war
  19. I do not know how u do the match ups devs, but the fact is it is going back to square 1 even after 12 weeks of trial tests. Time to do smth about ur hit ratio calculations
    BFE and BFA are both impt factors to winning wars as well just in case u do not realise it.