Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 1 - War #7

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. War #7 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Saturday - 7am-7:30am
    EDT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am
    GMT - Saturday - 2pm-2:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm

    Signups: 49
    no Matches: 9


    Rising Hawks
    No Match Found
    Pillars of Chaos
    V I E T N A M

    Trying to match you with clans in same strength range resulted in poor hit ratios. There were clans that we could have matched you with good hit ratios but they were outside of the acceptable strength range.


    The Scorpion Kings

    Even with the best matches based on strength and size there were no clans you could have been matched with that would have had a good hit ratio.


    N_C_U - Dominion -> odd man out.
  2. kaw_admin - Could you let the KaWmunity know what is a "good" vs "bad" hit ratio?

    It looked like much better matchups across the board from the sidelines for war 7. It's good to see what appears to be more stringent matching for the clans in each strength range.

    I wasn't in a war but most of them looked fairly close (within 5b) about half way through the wars. So nice job on the matchups for the most part.

  3. Best WAR yet! Now if you can get them all this close everyone would be happy ;) XoXoxxOxo
  4. Hi Devs, still waiting for a reply to my question on the Week 1 war 6 thread about the prestige issue. We won war 6 against OG Alliance and haven't received our prestige.

    We have won 7 out of 7 wars now and have only received 6 prestige points, please explain to my why this is and please fix it as none of the other clans have missed out on winning prestige for matches won so I'm guessing it's a glitch. Please fix it as we should be 1007 prestige now!!

    Thanks 
  5. kaw_admin- Can you just reply and respond to anything that is asked on the forums?

    Much of the problem is that there's no response, no explanations, no anything from you guys. A recognition that "hey yes there is a problem with prestige and we're working on it" would help greatly. Or a "there is no problem and here's why"... Or a note that "yes there were mismatches and we're going to tighten the strength requirements for matchups... Or "we don't feel that these are mismatches and here is why"... Or "thank you for the feedback, we will look into that". Or even "Nice note, we don't care what you think" LOL

    So here's the deal: it has appeared for the past few weeks that anything posted to forums for EE - ideas, concerns, questions - has all been ignored. So the longer it goes without response, people become more and more agitated. Please respond with something, anything... We appreciate the thread and info for each war, but please don't stop at only creating the first post - give us all feedback and responses.


  6. Looking into it.
  7. Thank you kaw_admin!!