Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 1 - War #4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. War #4 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Thursday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Friday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 59
    No Matchups: 1

    Wingless Angels you ended up as odd man out.
  2. boo.... thanks for the free mith!
  3. Really Rising Hawks but yet again. No disrespect to the Hawks y'all rock. However devs what are you doing. I can't even hit top 17 when full. Y'all need to reevaluate your matches. This is total bs. Once again Rising Hawks no disrespect.
  4. after restart got it.
  5. I don't normally post. But The Rising Hawk mechanics need to change. It's insurmountable when they jump to a 23b to 6b lead 6 min into the war. The only person I can make plunder on is a gh who I hit for 20m. They hit me back for 60 with ease.
  6.  Butthurt, butthurt everywhere
  7. Anyone else think range of match ability is too broad and need to be tightened? As an example of how wide the match ability is under this current system, here's some basic stats: kings castle 390 mil CS, 0 LB vs Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty, 483 mil CS, 10 LB's. Zaft's 12th highest member in war higher than KC's top player in war. I'm not here to complain about this particular match up. But rather to illustrate how wide the devs feel is "acceptable" for match making. If anyone else feels that the match making parameters be tighten, please voice ur opinion here... I am respectfully requesting that a developer addresses this topic. Ty
  8. Fully Supported to u WSP 
  9. Full support. Match-making and mechanics of the GH....., Season 2 was not ready and needs to be addressed still yet.
  10. Totally support, WSP. There are huge flaws in the current matchup system.
  11. Yep, there should have been many no matches, as opposed to all matched except the odd man out..

    Match system is poor
  12. Full Support WSP!!!
  13. Total support for wsp been in wars this season where it's been crazy
  14. Full support to WSP great warrior , great leader and dedicated player.

    Devs kindly enhance yours war system.
  15. Support. The matchups are aweful.
  16. Seeing that type of match up makes me glad I wasn't able to war. If it's not addressed I imagine participation levels will drop.
  17. I will reset if a dev has the guts to respond to that post. That's how sure I am of them not caring about us or matches. Buy crystals, that's all they care about. An EE wide boycott would get there attention but it's going to be hard to get that many ppl on the same page
  18. King WSP post*
  19. Congrats Devs, you have successfully ruined the game. We are done with EE. 
  20. Why does everyone complain about Rising Hawks? Instead of taking whoever into war, copy them and see how it turns out.