Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 1 - War #3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. War #3 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Wednesday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Wednesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Thursday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 60
    No matches: 2

    DiViNuM FuRoReM and The Umbrella Corp.,after matching all other clans our match up algorithm attempted to match the two of you, but the hit ratio was too low for it to be a good match.
  2. Thank you kaw_admin for the information!

    Can you 'spill some beans' on possible T6 level 3 upgrade release dates and the stats?
    Seriously, this is Kingdoms at War, not EB Kingdoms.. Many of us wants new buildings and lands out to help us with wars, not new EBs to spam hits at!

    Thank you!
  3. War Horse had a poor match-up
  4. Are you still ganna fix the clan that are going for vanish paladin eb mith only?
  5. ^That question is similar to this:
    Are you gona fix the GH?
    I know, the answer would be the same for both:
    What should be fixed there? They already are OK. That's how the game is and you(it means me and many others) are to stupid to understand and exploit it.
  6. Really? It's time to fix the Gh...18 of em in clan and I can hit 2 but none can hit me...that takes the fun out of war.
  7. All..not none I'm half asleep
  8. Dev's. Forgive me for my ignorance but, y'all match clans based on hit ratio? Bfe? Bfa? Raw stats? So please inform me how y'all came to the conclusion that AoC
  9. If dts/dtw was suppose to be the fix for gh in ee then maybe there should be a restriction on cs differences in sign up ... So gh can't sigh up with lb players war sign ups won't accept it its either that or we repeat season 1 but just worse ... Idc any more seems the devs want this system to fail .. If that's the case then continue to let people take advantage of the failings in ur system and see how many remain in the end is wat it is but if we don't start getting responses atleast to these flaws u won't see my credit card anymore
  10. Dev's. Forgive me for my ignorance but, y'all match clans based on hit factor? Bfe? Bfa? Raw stats? So please inform me how y'all came to the conclusion that AoC
  11. Fix the damned match up system. I'm about done.

    Or is there no fixing it, is that why The Escape was released, one last cash grab?
  12. Jet, that would involve critical thinking, something that these developers are lacking. They just bought the rights to ata,
  13. Devs please fix a number of things.1. Matchup problems. 2. Barsides still being used. 3. Gh screwup 4. Enable kick button in war in cases of rogue warriors spamming cc or disrupting war in other ways 5. Monitor the mith exploit before it gets out of hand
  14. Devils reborn great matchup
  15. Can you leave clan without losing lvl 3 ee
  16. After the overwhelming complaints that ppl are unhappy with the DTS/DTW system and request return to the season 1 match up algorithm, it's obvious that the Devs have no intention of doing it.
    The normal kaw player was under the delusion that their voice actually mattered and the few xtals and nobs they buy would get the Devs attention.
    Welcome to reality, the only thing that matters is money and face the facts that you don't spend enough. The Devs will continue to cater to those who do. Its well known that the lb spend the most and therefore they are the only population that matters.
    The Devs have created a system of exploits that allow those who spend the most to win. After all, those clans doing it aren't interested in actual "wars" or fair fights.
    The Devs have proven they don't care about the quality of the game just the money it regenerates.
    By allowing exploits to continue they just encourage more of it. So we can complain and let it fall on deaf ears or join in with the exploits.
    It's obvious that all the top tier clans have reduced their rosters to avoid an unfair match against an unhittable opponent. They will continue to reduce more and lay waste to the middle tiers. Which in turn will allow the middle strength clans to do the same and terrorize the weaker levels. It's unfortunate, but a direct result of allowing exploits to continue. So have a great season 2 and good luck 
  17. Valor I could not agree more. These wars are dying. The no-match based on a bad match is gone. We spend too little to matter. Well it was nice WHILE it lasted. I'll ride this out a bit longer but I see the end in sight. :(