Season 2 a fair shot at the rewards for all.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Season 2 alternative opt in method, for fair chance of prizes.
    16 wars per timezone with additional wars offered based on current wars schedule as a way to earn mith have fun etc.

    All players get 16 enter tournament spells at the start of season. They may cast these during sign up for any war they choose pre-match up only.

    This gives every player an equal chance to earn the maximum points from each war but at a time that suits them. The points are permanent and stay on the player for the duration of the season, no time limit at all . No deduction for a loss. Each player is required to get between a set range of points for equipment drops at the end of season. Ie wins 13 for max equipment 6 for minimum

    Football leagues, f1 races or any sport tournament etc teams / players only get a specific amount of chances at points. Not your from this time zone so you may have multiple opportunities more than your opponents from different regions.
    This is the only truly fair way to run a season whereby a reward is offered for participation. Giving everyone equal opportunity and chances.

    This system favours no specific time zone with no additional chance for any player to have more opportunity than any other player to enter more wars to gain the top prizes.
    I would alternate start time over six days. Two favoured for USA two Europe two Asia. Regardless of sign up rates. The rest of wars run at times that the current poll run by devs determines.
    Set clan sign ups at 25-35 members with a bfa difference of 15% if a no match is acquired then the players receive their spell back and get a fair shot still at getting another war. Make the season over 9 weeks. Any wars where their spell is not used they receive an extra 15% mith or a bronze bar drop based on their performance using the same reward rate as governing mith payout so participation is essential and 30% for winners.
    Yes I propose that losers receive a payout based on their performance. This is for two reasons
    1 it encourages sign ups and rewards active players to participate.
    2 it rewards all players that pay to play and put the effort it. ( their in being the clause ( to make devs happy and reduce exploit risk) I propose in order to be eligible for a mith reward a minimum of 1 xtal must be cast during the war.
    This reduces any chances of exploits and is an added incentive for many to war as his will help cover the costs of war and mean players would desire the win more but a loss would not be a waste of their time.

    Though I would normally say its war their must be a winner and a loser it must be remembered this is first and foremost a source of entertainment a game and it must reflect that within its reward sytem and structure if continued participation is to be encouraged and maintained.
    Thank you for your time reading this. I hope many of you will agree this may be the fairest method to war in a tournament and allow every player a totally equal chance at the rewards and maximum payback for their effort.
    Any improvement is much appreciated to this concept
    Trolls please stay off thread and all please stay on topic.

  2. Support
    Awesome thread

    Now for dancing monkey :D


    Sorry, I think the more clans that sing up, the harder it will be for the devs to keep track of them. Thus a no match is this helps any.
  3. 16 wars is too much... Will spread the clans who war too thin. Honestly, with less wars, more clans sign up per war.
  4. Is this a proposition?
  5. Yes this is just a proposal.
    Purely out forward to see if players would agree. 16 wars may be too much but that is the purpose of the proposition to find out who would be interested and how many wars would clans like for a season.
    Sorry for posting during a war. I shall bump after wars later.
    Good luck to all clans in all wars.

    Lol at dancing monkey btw. 
  6. Can I war with your clan in season 2?
  7. Clan contact details are on clan page. But please stay on topic. Perms only war with empire.
  8. Support. Fair for all time zones as explained above. This would be a Great idea to pick for the all-star war.
  9. Sounds hard to implement and keep track of but support for the idea. Just cuz it's a WAR game doesn't mean things can't be a lil more fair. :D
  10. Good idea. I like most of your suggestions on here. Just to clarify, you can still war if you don't use the special spell, it just wouldn't count as a win towards equipment, right?
  11. Exactly right penguin but with added rewards to encourage participation.
    As for hard to track I think this would be quite easy. At the start of the season every player is awarded (16) spells for war.
    With levels staying consistent through wins only without time restrictions other than the season length it should be relatively easy to track who has how many wins. Consider with rancour levels devs already do this.

  12. This will be impossible to implement.

    Many clans will do first 16 wars and then be out of the season. What about the people that want tojoin in later? There will be no one to war against. Great idea but hardly realiatic.
  13. Additionally, your comparison to sports teams is flawed. Each player isnt limited to a certain amount of games, their whole team is and the roster remains the same all season. In these wars the roster is fluid, so half of a clan could use up all of their wars and disable the rest of the members from warring.
  14. One would assume your team ( clan ) would discuss when best suit them as a whole. Also teams / players are limited in any sport it may be differently implemented but unless you want a set 16 war times from the devs per time zone with 0 flexibility then their isn't much opportunity to be flexible.
    As for clans not warring?
    Clans warred before the rancour season. The proposal offers added rewards for warring enabling many players to increase their red equipment. ( no doubt devs will roll out more ) and if all clans war the first 16 wars. ( with time zones quite how they do that we certainly couldn't ) then so be it. But any sensible clan would watch sign ups and try to judge who they may get and do the best they can. Same as now.
    Additional chances for certain time zones have caused many issues with the current system and angered many players.
    If you have a counter proposal please do share it. [​IMG]
  15. One last question before full support. Does the whole clan have to cast the special spell? Or is it individual? Meaning if I cast it, but nobody in my clan does, do I get a "win" towards equipment? Or does the whole clan have to cast it?
  16. Only the individual has to cast it not the whole clan. This way different teams within the clan can war at times that suit them. And individuals can determine if they think first or second half of season for example would boost their chances of a win.
  17. Yeah its a good idea but when you think about it a bit more it doesn't really work. After the war crazy people have used their 16 goes, you will see a large reduction of sign ups with a lot of no matches and clans struggling to put a team together.
  18. Does the season last 2 weeks...cause alot of clans war 10 times a week. Also having wars in odd timezones would make alot less clans sign up and woukd have a ton of no matches. Devs will change times if they feel they woukd have participation at that said time
  19. A valid concern and a solution could be for the devs to limit spells by distributing them 3 per week per player.
    Please also consider there are extra rewards up for grabs as explained in op to encourage more clans to war.
    Length of season and required amount of spells is devs decision the figures in the opening post are merely examples to demonstrate the base idea to try and even out the opportunities for all players.
    No matches as stated would carry spells over so they do not lose any chance to earn the tournament rewards. [​IMG]
  20. I am not trolling but season 2? ROTFL! OP always makes insightful comments but I feel many are just turned off by the devs process. Several ideas expressed here are good but even OP has said you can't war with his clan unless perm. I have no problem with that but good luck finding an established war clan to accept you! Great ideas OP but season 2? ROTFL!