Search for Stormclaw

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by luckyrabbit, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Oakwood carefully checked the bushes while i jumped from tree to tree.i came down and scented the air.i smelled a scent of moss and maple.Stormclaws scent!!
    "Oakwood,i found Stormclaws scent!"
    "Really Frecklespot!lets go!"
    We ran into the direction of the scent.i then saw a pair of glowing blue eyes.
    "Stormclaw!!we found you!!"i said.
    "Sigh,yes you did.guess your getting good at tracking".Stormclaw said with a hint of sadness.
    "why did you leave?!"i asked.
    "Because,i was hunting!"he sighed.
    "Oh,well okay.lets go back to camp okay?"Oakwood told us.
    Stormclaw followed us back to camp,where he told Stormstar where he went and why.
  2. It's very good
  3. Its cool
  4. Making more.except the title is;Frecklespots World.