
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheDistantNeko, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    Can I seal at any clan?
  2. Yes, non clan specific all though some clans have better passes than others
  3. I.C have atleast a 7 day stay, with sealer having full items and max xtal.
  4. Ty
  5. This belongs in WC. /lock
  6. He's asked for a HTE clan in WC about 500 times.
  7. Isn't it against something to request a lock on not your thread
  8. When all else fails, go to forums.

  9. Yup :D
  10. At least he provided SS. That's effort

  11. Effort, or effortless?

  12. Yes only the op can request a lock on his/her thread. Anyone else who does it is just an idiot who doesn't understand forums
  13. This guy scams clans ahahaha its hilarious he puts this much effort into it though i give him
  14. So many seals but no pro pack. Very fishy indeed.
  15. He joins hte clans that will let him in before his turn to seal does as many hte as he can then dips his seal turn pretty smart move if you look at his wall sometimes theyre cussing him out pretty smart if you ask me

  16. PRO packs are for nubs
  17. Photo shopped....that garbage account doesnt have 20 seals

  18. Lol. Not photo shopped
  19. You have no seals
  20. Notice how hes replied to everyone but me because he knows im right๎’๎’๎’ he cant get in any more hte clans cause they all know he scams