Seals and EE wars, a suggestion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeoSake, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Dear kawmunity (yes kaw_admin this includes you!).
    Perhaps a way to increase war participation and reward individual stand-out performers would be to reward both clans' Top plunderer, Top KO-es, and Top number of actions 1 seal of the damned each. (Of course it wouldnt matter who gets it if they would just use the seal for their clan's ebs, hence benefiting the whole clan and not just themselves). Just an idea to increase #of clans warring and hence improving match-ups.

    Unfortunately, this could lead to "seal-farming" which is akin to the current mith-farming/TVP exploits. The devs have not punished the obvious perpetrators, so it's unlikely they can stop the "seal-farming". Perhaps to circumvent this problem, the reward of the seals to the losing clan is contingent upon the losing clan losing by less than 100% in terms of final war plunder? (arbitrary figure that is open to discussion) Exploiters usually lose by >1000% so this might work.

    Discuss :)
  2. If you want the seal so bad, why not run the epic battles that drop them. EE wars give mith and edge, and that's all they need to give.
  3. Hi fruity, thanks for your reply. I suggested this mainly to improve EE war participation and hence matchups, not really to get the seals. Since seals are a precious commodity nowadays, perhaps it could lure the non-warring clans to try doing so?
  4. That would cause a lot of inexperienced clans to war. And when they don't win against the experienced clans, they will complain. Clans that EE war usually do it for the mith, edge, and equipment given at the end of the season. Or the clan just really likes to war. Having the Seals drop from epic battles is good enough. The seal is meant to be hard to get, because essentially unlocks 3x haunting. That is the purpose of the seal, either spend 6 dollars to unlock 3x gold, or get lucky with a drop.
  5. It sounds like you are against the idea of inexperienced clans warring as you assume they will all complain. In that case, EE wars will always be done by 'experienced' clans only?
  6. the point is they want everyone to use their seal up so they have to buy them. thats why the drop is "rare". its a money grab.
  7. Inexperienced clans warring for the sole purpose of getting the seal of the damned. Yes, I'm against that idea.
  8. If an inexperienced clan wars they'll have no chance for a seal anyways if they're matched with an experienced clan so why bother the devs with this
  9. Not a bad idea. Anything to get more clans warring would be helpful experienced or not. Even if it's just one drop for the EB.

    As it is seals are way too expensive and way too rare of a drop- adding a way to get them can't hurt. I would buy more seals if they were more reasonably priced, aka 10-30 nobs. I think 20 is reasonable.
  10. They should give like 1000 seals out at random to different ppl each week depending on how active you are or they should make more quest that are harder or do a New quest .

    Or make a new system like they should do clan jobs like have no time limit but are very hard and instead of gold for completing them like normal quest you can get seals but the is a limit of how many of the clan jobs you can do per week and all clan members can take part in the same job as the offer clam member .
  11. No support
  12. Support and too add to the suggestions the seal drop rate should be increased and available for anyone with EE for any EB! Love all the eb fairies commenting here btw who want no incentive to war 
  13. I agree with Fruity. The game doesn't need more noobs they need warriors. This would cause bad match ups. Causing bad EE wars