Discussion in 'Wars' started by H3LL0GO0DBY3CYA, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. SEAL TEAM 4 are looking for people to join us for war 8 plz wall 007____Bond____007 if u would like to join. We are also looking for war commanders and trackers I have had a lot of experience in war so if I have to track or be a war commander I will. Thx️ Peace out
    cone back when you actually try
  3. <<<<<Op after the first response
  4. Don't cry,
    I (along with true forumers)
    just don't like The Forums to get filled with low effort things
  5. No effort
  6. Heaven forbid someone not know how to add pictures, use BBcode, or anything of that nature.
  7. Heaven forbid someone use a mobile phone to post a thread on the forums where it's much more difficult to use aforementioned tools.
  8. I only saw,

    "hey guys we need people to war!


    I'm really experienced, but I'd rather not have to put the effort in!"
  9. Or, instead of being critical, maybe he's trying to give who has never done those things an opportunity to learn in an effort to recruit.

    FFS people, quit being so judgmental and critical.
  10. Welcome, to kawrums.

    Seriously a thread as non specific as this, if he had intended to let someone have a go, I'm sure he wouldn't have used the words " if I have to"

    Perhaps you should stop being judgmental on judgemental people. Hypocrisy is an ugly color.
  11. Or, maybe said he'd do it if he has to if he finds people who want to war, but not track and command.

    I understood the OP perfectly.

    Yes, hypocrisy is an ugly color. However, a necessary evil in a forum where so many people jump on the "let's be a jerk to OP" bandwagon.
  12. So, you agree your not helping by being a hypocrite :p
  13. I agree that I just stuck up for OP in a thread full of bullies.
  14. Aww. Chivalry is alive and well.

    Some threads have it, some threads don't.
    This hasn't changed much over the last few years, if an thing it's been accentuated by people trying, yet failing to do anything about it. (Myself included)

    All I'm saying, is that this particular thread does not scream forums. It screams WC, and low effort.
  15. See my previous posts...
  17. How about more effort in your post.
  18. Eternal solace page 1 - I used an iPhone for my MLNAS ithil thread and that has bb codes and pics and stuff, using a mobile phone is no excuse for a poor effort thread

    Op - even if you don't know bb codes/pics, you could've put some requirements, or clan background, or whatever. That post is pretty much wc worthy  more effort please bro