Seal of the Damned and Horn of Calydor drops

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by D4_B34st_Hunt3r, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Hi,
    My name is D4_B34st_Hunt3r and I'm starting a thread on tracking the rate of Seal of the Damned and Horn of Calydor drops. Please, post here when you get seal drops from HTE's and Horn of Calydor drops from T1 with how many you got. It just seams some players get more than other, whereas none get any at all. Look, I'm not complaining, I'm simply asking for you to put in how many drops you got from which EB's and how many. Post as often as you like, don't be shy and have fun out there. Enjoy the game and happy KaWing!
  2. 3 horns of calydor in HTE
  3. 10 seals for hitting redstar
  4. I've had like 6 horns but the seal drop is so fair I've had 3 since hte came out, hitting every day too that's so sweet for us second rate free playing kawers 
  5. 4 horns and 1 seal since the beginning of the end