Seal Drops

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by darkandCloudy, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Has anyone else noticed Haunting stopped dropping seals? B2b Haunts for 2 months and not one drop in anyone in clan. Did devs remove seal drop from haunting?

    Any feedback will be helpful
  2. We got one a couple of days ago...
  3. Thanks I guess it's just bad luck.
  4. Its all random when the ebs drops anything.
  5. Still more common than the rng in destiny.
  6. Truuuuue
  7. I believe they drop more from TSG
  8. My other ACC got it one week ago. And it was my last Haunting so far.

  9. Happened to be walking on the lowlands. When out of now where I found these two seals. They were asking for directions. It appears they wanted to travel to the Hoar Frost lands.

    If they are yours please call:
    1-800-Found these seals

    Or just come and visit them at:
    chow bow wow, Seaworld, Low Lands.

    Entry Cost:
    1 Billion per costumer

    In all seriousness, seal drops are really rare. Regular Haunting wont drop as much. Try doing some B2B ROTWB. ROTWB tends to have a higher rate with seals being dropped.

    * Seals are $6 USD a piece. You can buy some at the marketplace for 59 nobs.
  10. You seem to be trying a bit too hard
  11. Pretty sure clans that have ppl yhat buy seals, also see a huge increase in drop rate.
  12. You seem to not be trying at all...
  13. Its about a 1/1.000.000 chance that the drop will be yours. Plus, its a about a 1/1B chance that a seal will actually be dropped from any EB.
  14. Can you site your sources for this information?
  15. External information with multiple people/accounts.
  16. @iiLauren how am I supposed to know that it is credible?