Seahawks 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X-Crossfire-X, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. So apparently the Super Bowl is a "big deal" and that's cool and all but there are some things that elude me.

    So basically the two teams are the patriots and the Seahawks.

    I personally don't care what team you support, but could someone please explain to me what on earth is a seahawk?
  2. A seahawk is a bird.

    Question answered.

  3. Seahawks is a diurnal, fish-eating bird of prey. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 60 cm (24 in) in length and 180 cm (71 in) across the wings. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts. More commonly known as an Osprey.
  4. [​IMG]

    Oh wait! That's a chicken hawk.
  5. [​IMG]

    Wait! That's not right either.
  6. It's a warplane!

    ....or not!
  7. [​IMG]

    This looks right.
  8. And let's finish this off with a picture of Selena Gomez.

  9. I give frog a 7/10 for that performance
  10.  I am thoroughly amused
  11. Seahawks are endangered.

    They are to be exterminated starting at 6:30pm today EST.
  13. I'll give an 8. The Osprey plane was cleverer than most would give credit for. Strong performance.
  14. A Seahawk is a retard.
  17. I will start my #SaveTheSeahawk campaign promptly.

  18. Harsh. But straight to the point. I like it.
  19. seahawks are not real there is no such thing.
  20. Frog I'm dead. Send HALP pls