Scrolls usage

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MP__II_S0uL_II__, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Hi all, I think I know rare scrolls from epic Smoke Signals ..... or think they know it, but as me never saw them (devs good rare drop lol).

    I have idea that these Scrolls could open enchanting more equips than these current in Smoke Signals .....

    It could be could have way how to open enchanting for example Bow from TGL to level 10 or other equips .... what you think about this?
  2. Interesting thought. Maybe put some more into this idea, like what eb they'd drop from, if you'd need say castle level 4 added into the system to unlock a "blacksmith"
  3. I have no idea what this thread is about
  4. Does anyone have an enigma machine to decode what op is trying to say?
  5. Yes, I use it on my eldest (4) ;p

    Basically, the scrolls from SS could be used to enhance enchantments on items that don't go to lvl10 I guess, or maybe to take all to lvl12.

    Personally, the bow should stay as is as it would either be not worth the price to get the few extra stats, or massively overpowered for an eb drop.

    TL:DR - SS scrolls used to further enhance current items.
  6. Lol ww2 reference