We've just increased the drop rates of scrolls for the Bloodless Helm, Stabilizer Boots, Tarragon Gloves, and Mesmeric Ring from the Smoke Signals and The Summoner epic battles. It's now easier than ever to get your hands on these scrolls to use on your relics.
I hope this is a significant increase not a .5% to .75% increase like yout last increase.I would leave out the ring increase as most ppl i know already has them enchanted and now carry up to 8 xtra for each ring.
Im hoping this is a significant increase this time not the .5% to .75% like your last increase.You should leave the ring drop as it is as most ppl i know have them both enchanted and also carry up to 9 extra scrolls for each ring.
Lol give it a rest. PvP drops will never happen. Too hard to program and no money in it for the devs. Do EE if you want to PvP.