Screen Shot of Gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _xXx_THIBS_xXx_, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. I was just wanting to see how much gold some of you fellow KAWers might have in the bank. Post SS of it. Wanna see how many Billions or Trillions some of u big boys or gals have. Peace
  2. [​IMG]
    Mostly allies and guilds
  3. Vm posted an ss of 3 tril once.
  4. 3 trill holy moly lol
  5. I don't have any SS
  6. Same I just had 1.8 bil tho
  7. Lol now noobs are asking me to make them a clan.
  8. [​IMG]

    Oh I've got more invested in pots
  9. Really? Lmao

    I think the most I had was 23 bill
  10. I had 30 b.
  11. Most I've had is 55bil, but then again I was been stripped at the time.
  12. Oh dont worry, they self pinned against my spy pots and the two clans just gave up....yes I'm bragging
  13. [​IMG] I'm a hansel :D
  14. I believe 43 bil is the most I've had
  15. Assassin is your ally active? Jw