Scouting to strong in Estocic wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by oakleydave, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. There is pretty much one constant factor in who wins these wars. Its scouting, who ever has the most scouts wins the majority of time.
  2. Nothing wrong with that. Just scout more.
  3. Well, then scout BACK! Duh!
  4. Ya so much fun scouting an opponent to win. Would like to see a combination of mechanics decides wars rather than who can scout that much.
  5. Hip Hip HUAY for SCOUTS!!
  6. A8 had discovered this awesome technique that lets us get more gold for KOs.
    Of course, I can't tell you what it is, cause then everyone would know it...But it DOES involve alot of scouts :lol:
  7. If scouting wins the wars then u know what u gotta do ;)
  8. Bout time scouts got some love. Now if only they made cookies...
  9. Yeah :( they only watch them ;)
  10. My scouts make cookies! I have been saying this for idk how long!

    But they explode.
  11. There is a form of mechanics involved, you just have to realize that it depends on builds and its an effective way to bypass pots to get someone KO'd. You can try the hard way, but we both know thats much more difficult. It takes longer for one, so you can KO yourself before you get anywhere near KO'ing your opponent.
  12. In these new wars some people still try and stick with old tactics. Like stealing or self pinning. When you need to get with the current program. Scouts assassinations will do more damage then stealing a little gold.
  13. A1 I get the new tactics. In fact the last war you had highlights just how much scouts is the deciding factor.
    Monster Garage lost in fights,steals and assassinations. But won in scouts thus winning war by a huge margin.
    I get it noobs just scout. I am just looking for a more dynamic system.
  14. herp a derp ;)
  15. :lol: machine
  16. Dont publicly post war strats A1, regardless of how basic. I want to keep my advantages
  17. My bad 
  18. What A1 meant to say was "Stealing is the most important action in these Estoc Wars"