Scouting Achivement

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BLAZED, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Hi Guys

    So I've been thinking how hard it is to get scout Achivement and if I get Enough support I'll go to devs and ask them so do you feel it's hard to get or your struggling then post "Support" Please

    Thanks SFS-ReApErZz

    Trolling Trolls Since: 9/1/2011
    WiTh My CoOl TyPiNg
  2. It does take FOREVER. but since achievements still don't do anything it's no biggie.
  3. You'll ask them what
  4. All the achievements take time.

    Its hard to get for a reason
  5. Not all of them, you can get the 100 allies ach fairly quickly if you can hit hire fast enough
  6. I know but I think the scout should be low-erd but ...
  7. Just deal with it. In the end u can say yeah I'm that guy who got the scouting achievement complete 
  8. It's only 117 unloads or so.
  9. It's an achievement, if it isn't hard what is the point, you haven't really achieved anything :|
  10. You are no troll CoS-Caption
  11. A lot of people seem to forget the difference between a 'hard' achievement and a 'skull numbingly long and tedious' one.
  12. Maybe do foriengn territories, no mans land, awakening(lol),warbeasts(lol again),abandoned king dom,evanescence,depraved and forgotten ones :D :D
  13. It's hard, but because of that, anyone who has it obviously has spent a lot of effort getting it.

    It also not fair to all of the people who have gotten 10k scouts to just lower the requirement for the achievement.
  14. Done it. Not worth the stupid shied since there still aren't any acheivement bonuses