Scotland to seek independence?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Filthy_Maggot, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Scotland Independence

    I am an outsider looking in. So I won't post any of my views on this issue, but I am curious as to how the UK players and the Scotland players feel about this.

    So, the UK voted to leave the EU. Mostly it was England and Wales that voted against it. In Scotland and even in Northern Ireland, they voted to stay in the EU.

    I believe Scotland voted 62% to stay in
    Northern Ireland voted 55% to stay in.

    Despite the vote from Scotland, the entire UK, as I understand it, will leave the EU. Now all of the details on how the departure will happen have not been released but it seems like the entire country will exit, from the reports I read.

    This leads me to Nikola Sturgeon, who said Scotland will likely seek independence after being forced to be apart of the Brexit.

    What are your thoughts on the matter and do you think Scotland should aim for independents and stay in the EU?
  2. Hopefully Scotland and Wales leave the United Kingdom too.
  3. Why 'hopefully'?
  4. Not just Scotland, Ireland may leave too
  5. Scotland won't join any time soon, it's a lengthy application process and they won't qualify for entry without drastic changes. They will also be forced to take the euro as currency, which is a bad idea and one which most Scott's would not want.
    However Scotland would have to have another referendum to leave the uk first, which is another Pandora's box to open.
    Scotland need to wait it out for a while and see how things go. This could be the best thing the uk has done in decades, bottom line is, nobody knows what's going to happen yet.
    And as far as Nicola sturgeon is concerned, if she crawl any further up Angela Murkins backside she will need breathing gear.
  6. Why would Scotland be needed to adopt Euro as a currency? And about being qualified to join... C'mon...if Romania was qualified I doubt Scotland wouldn't qualify to join EU lol
  7. Welp if Wales dips out then a few of my friends from there will be a wee bit butthurt
  8. Both Spain and Belgium would block an independent Scotland's application to join the European Union, a former president of the EU's finance council has predicted.

    Ruairi Quinn, an Irish politician, said the secessionist movements in both countries meant it was "highly probable" their parliaments would vote against Scotland joining.

    He also predicted that the country would have to adopt the euro as the price for gaining full EU membership after a Yes vote.

    The warning followed claims by Ed Balls, Labour's shadow chancellor, that an independent Scotland would end up using the euro because it is the "least bad" currency option.
  9. The former EU commissioner for monetary union said it would not be possible for an independent Scotland to join the EU if it used the pound without a formal currency deal or its own central bank.

    Olli Rehn, who stood down in July as the European commissioner for monetary union and the euro, wrote to Danny Alexander, the chief secretary of the Treasury, this week to say having a central bank was an essential requirement of EU membership.

    Now an MEP, Rehn said in a letter published on Tuesday night that Alex Salmond's apparent plan to use the pound without the formal permission of London – a policy known as "sterlingisation" – would "simply not be possible".
  10. How many times has a politician predicted something and it just didn't work? It's all hypothetical propaganda used to push a political agenda.
  11. There is plenty more articles out there to look at, I just picked a couple of short pieces from the telegraph and the guardian newspapers.

    I hope that sort of answered your questions Vlad.
  12. I totally agree Filthy but that's all we've got to go on at the moment.
    Most articles are just so called 'experts' opinions.
    But the currency issue isn't up for debate, it's a legal issue, whether we like it or not.
    I love Scotland, I've only ever had good times on all of the many occasions I've been there and don't want them to leave uk.
  13. Currency works like this for them. If they want to stay in the EU, they adopt the Euro.

    They can't use the pound if they become independent so may as well switch over. No hard thinking their to be honest.
  14. Or they could print their own currency same as they do today. They do print their own sterlings.
  15. We can't let Wales leave because if they do they'll rise and conquer Europe and reunite Europe as the Welsh Union.
  16. Would be nice if we had a super weird system where Scotland could join the EU whilst being part of UK
    Now as stupid as it sounds, if someone could figure out a way to figure it out so that this brexit isn't a complete travesty and Westminster still has a link to EU
    Don't ask me how this will work
  17. Haha Wales bring so much to the UK, they can't leave :0
    On a side note, if we got rid of Wales, would UK also get rid of the Prince (Charles)?
  18. If wales leave they'll be no more Wales in the UK, next thing you know they'll be no deer, or polar bears either. The loss of one species is the loss of many. So with UK losing all they're animals they would be weak and be the first country to be conquered by the Wales
  19. No because he's also the duke of Cornwall, which at this time is part of England.
    But with all that's going on I wouldn't bet against a Cornish exit referendum.
    On a serious note, I'm looking forward to see how all this eu exit pans out.
    change is good.
  20. They already said they are and cameron resigned because he didnt want to be tgere when it all comes crashing down.